Atomic challenges AimCaster to a fight and looses terribly

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Atomic was bored to tears. His dad warned him to stop messing with aunt Krystallos' wormholes and to NEVER bring a friend through them. But he wanted to have fun and do something silly! He looked over to his best friend Toko who was actually enjoying nap time, eyes closed and small wings used as a blanket. How disappointing, if she'd been awake they could have some fun instead of pretending to sleep. AimCaster was the only other person awake. She laid still but was incredibly restless inside. Her parents were Lance and Sunburst and she was already in battle training which was so not fair. Atomic was told by both parents he wasn't ready yet and had to wait. He stood, using his wings to make his steps light and soundless and made his way to AimCaster. She opened her eyes, one purple and one orange.
"What do you want?"
She whispered with only friendliness in her voice.
"You're in fight training right?"
He whispered back.
"Not exactly I just know basic defensive stuff,"
"Your mom teaches you so soon?"
She scoffed.
"Do you know my moms? Feh! Of course they did. It's in my veins,"
AimCaster sat up with a grin.
"You wanna learn don't ya?"
"I'm dying to! My parents keep saying no,"
"Here let's ask to go outside. Naptimes over soon anyways,"
AimCaster trotted up to Wyrdith and asked to go outside, hands clasped together. The veiled femme nodded then motioned to Atomic to follow. The three went outside and GoldenStreak watched the remaining napping people. Atomic ran to the empty town square and shoved AimCaster forward.
"Fight me!"
He did feel as though he made a mistake. AimCaster had stumbled when he pushed her and she turned, eyes seriously wide and her face covered in shadow except the glow of her eyes.
"Oh yeah? You think you can beat me?"
AimCaster raised her fists and tested her feets grip on the ground. Atomic swung first. She dodged it with ease. AimCaster spun and grabbed Atomics arm and twisted it. Not enough to hurt but she held it in a position where she could easily break it if she wanted. Atomic squeaked in embarrassment. It had only taken her a matter of seconds to render him useless. They tried again. Atomic dashed and AimCaster spun away at the very last second and shoved him face first into the dirt. Another try. Atomic swung a kick but AimCaster simply tripped him and stepped on his chest. Wyrdith ran over and pulled them apart. AimCaster only smiled and apologized for worrying Wyrdith. AimCaster changed emotions quickly he found.
"You're not fair!"
He whined. She was too good for someone young. She was only a few years older.
"My momma is a great teacher,"
She flexed her arm and grinned.
"I wouldn't challenge me again until you know basic knowledge,"
She said, not intending to sound overconfident but Atomic was frustrated. He went back inside and sulked. AimCaster just reentered shortly after with a refreshed smile. Then she sat with Exhale who visibly perked up when she did

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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