Chapter 1

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    "Don't let him get away!" Enji and Hawks were chasing the villain.  For some reason this villain kept slipping out of their hands. While running past them, the villain pulls a person in front of himself, using him as a shield. The man seethes as he struggles in their grip, watching the heroes to round the corner.

     However, he seems to handle himself well in combat. The mysterious man flips the villain over his shoulder, slamming him on the ground knocking him out.  Enji runs up to the villain and sees a man with long brown hair, and green eyes. 

     "Good job Citizen we will take if from he- wait, aren't you a hero?" Enji looks to him with a raise eyebrow.

     "Yes, but I'm off duty." The mans voice is very smooth. 

     "Keitero if I'm not mistaken."

      "You would be correct." Hawks then butts in as the other heroes take the villain away.  Enji takes a more in depth look at Keitero. He could see his hair is in a braid. He looks so well dressed and slightly disappointed.

"Nice job good looking." Hawks winks at Keitero. Keitero blinks and shrugs off the compliment. 

"Keitero Ninora to be exact." Hawks seems to know him already. "Keigo, you should get going." Keitero ignores Hawks. Keigo then shrugs and takes flight, heading back home. 

"Well, Keitero it's good to finally meet you. I'm-"

"Endeavor." Keitero interjected, "I know who you are." Enji smirks from the recognition. "I'm sorry to hear about the Dabi situation. That must be hard for the whole family." 

"Yeah, people really don't trust me anymore."

"Well, I don't judge people on what happened in the past, as long as they are improving themselves for the better then I don't care." Keitero appears to be sincere about this. Enji feels his heart stutter at his words. Enji couldn't help but stare at him. He could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Is something the matter?" Enji lowered his guard to listen to him. Keitero shows him a half-smile. 

"Yeah I'm fine." Keitero lowers his guard as well. "Just came here from a date, I was stood up."

"Sorry to hear."

"Hm, thanks, but he wasn't worth it anyway." He said," He was off from the start." Enji nods, showing he's listening intently. Keitero puts his hands in his pockets, leaning in the door frame.

Keitero's suit looks more Elegant. He has a gold rose pattern vest. With what appear to be accents of gold colors. Enji was enchanted by his appearance, he couldn't look away from him. He could feel the slight knot in his throat.

 "Anyways I should pro--" A gun shot goes off. On instinct Enji grabs Kei and holds onto him, feeling blood seep from his side. Enji presses the button on his ear piece. "Hawke, Keitero was shot!" Through the ear piece. 

"What?! Get him to a Hospital!"

"I can't, I wont make it in time. I'm taking him home." 

"Okay, I'll call Fuyumi to let her know."

"Thank you." Enji picks Keitero up bridal style and started running back home.  Enji looks down at him. "Who would want him dead? Why would they be after him?"

Yumi throws open the door before Enji gets back. "Dad, Thank god, Keigo called me bring him inside." 

Enji rushes inside, out of breath.  

 "Fuyumi, can you tell me--Who's that?" Natsuo stopped to see the Enji's holding. 

"There's no time, he's been shot." 

As they bring Keitero into the room, Shoto is eating Soba noodles. "Shoto I was going-- never mind, put him on the couch." Shoto shrugs and continues eating, he stops to look at Keitero. 

"What happened?" Shoto gets up from his spot on the floor. 

"He was shot." Enji laid him down on the couch. 

"Isn't that Keitero Ninora? The new number 4 hero?" Shoto spots where the bullet hit. He immediately puts his hand on the wound to apply pressure. Enji pushes Shoto aside, taking off Keitero's shirt as he searches for the exit wound, finding it just under his ribs.

"Fuyumi, go get the gauze wrap!" Fuyumi runs to get it without hesitation. "Natsuo, go get the antibiotic ointment," Enji said, "and Shoto, go get a bowl of ice water and a wash cloth." Natsuo and Shoto both left the room. Enji keeps Keitero sat up to keep pressure of the wound, noticing the blood on his arm. Enji was worried about how much blood he lost on the way. He was on the verge of panicking. Panicking over a man he just met.

"Hurry!" Enji's voice boomed. His children all come rushing in with the things he needs to patch him up. Enji spends the next few minutes tending to the wound. After it was wrapped, he lays him down on the couch.  "That should do for now."

(Authors note: If anyone wants to animate this series, make sure to credit me.)

"Can you explain now dad?" Natsuo asked, a little concerned. 

"He was shot after assisting a Villains arrest, he was off duty." Enji looks back to him, laying on the couch. 

"Who would want him dead?" Fuyumi placed the cold wash cloth on Keitero's forehead. Shoto s grabbed his noodles and starts eating again.  Enji elevated Keitero's head with a pillow. 

"Probably a villain covering his tracks." Enji thought aloud, sounding concerned for him.

"Dad, maybe you should get some sleep." Fuyumi said, "I'll watch over him." Enji feels his daughters hand on his shoulder. He nods and heads to his room for the night. He stares at the ceiling, pondering how he ended up so worried over someone he just met.  Enji feels his heart set ablaze at the thought of Keitero. "Why is he on my mind?" He wondered, falling asleep. 

End of Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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