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After what happened between akaza and douma akaza avoided douma most of the time because he was to shy and flustered and whenever douma tried to approach akaza he would just tell him to fuck off or something and douma was getting tired of this behavior also guilty even though he touched his body without permission, especially when he was sleeping, he does deserve this kind of behavior from akaza though

(Doumas cult)

Douma: "akaza-dono enjoyed it.. didn't he? Why is he avoiding me.." he puts on a fake smile "He was so cute though~ panting and breathing like that.. maybe I'll get another chance?" He thinks to myself all these questions and day dreaming about these things "He will probably fall for me soon anyways" he scoffs

(With akaza and kokushibo in the infinity castle)

Akaza's face was pale and kind of sad but slight gentle blush and kokushibo has noticed this and tried to figure out what was with akaza today

Kokushibo: "akaza.. are you okay?"

Kokushibo asked with his normal deep voice

Akaza: "y-yea I'm fine why do you ask"

Akaza was stuttering and got a hit tensed, because kokushibo may notice and know what happened and plus it's a waste to tell them about what happened

Kokushibo: "if you say so.. I'm only being respectful and thoughtful right now"

Kokushibo bows and walk away to see muzan In his office and no footsteps sound

Akaza: (That was close.. I can't tell.. that blonde elsa is annoying but somewhere in my heart I feel.. connected to him? Whatever..)

As akaza was thinking in his head about douma and what happened last night douma was trying to find a way to do this again with akaza. After 5 nights, douma saw akaza sitting on the roof top of a house watching the moon, and douma lit his face up and grabbed his shoulder with his hand and akaza face lit up and punched douma chin off, he was surprised it douma and blushed a little, douma regenerated

Douma: "aww~ do you miss me akaza-dono?~"

Akaza scoffed and pulled away from douma and faced the moon light again

Akaza: "why would I miss someone like you"

Douma: "awh~ you hurt my feelings!~ why don't you kiss me to make me feel better?~"

Akaza blushed hard and punched a hole through doumas face and looked at the moon again gentle and douma smirked and looked at akazas gold eyes and smiles and look at the moon

Douma: "Isn't the moon lovley?~"

Akaza blushed hotter because in japanese "isn't the moon lovley" means "I love you" akaza got more flustered but ignored it and stared at the moon, and douma was smiling staring at the moon

Douma: "akaza-dono.. I'm sorry.."

Akaza was confused of what he apologized of and he slowly realized why he apologized, it was becuase of the other night

Akaza: "..."

Akaza and douma stared at the moon silently with akward silence aswell, a couple of minutes, 1 or 2 douma pulled himself closer to akaza and grabbed akaza hand and his face lit up blushing and holding douma hand back

Douma: "..."

Douma felt flustered and moved closer to akaza and grabbed his waist and akaza and douma looked in each other's eyes and the moon was shining bright while they were on the rooftop

Douma: " akaza-dono.."

Akaza: "I uh.."

Douma kissed akaza gently under the moonlight on the rooftop

Akaza kissed him back letting out little whimpers and when they broke off the kiss there was a string saliva connected to they're lips panting and after a few minutes of douma and akaza looking into they're eyes together, akaza vanishes into thin air and douma chuckles looking at the moon

Douma: "I knew it would work if I was gentle, but now.. I'm gonna do the opposite of gentle~"

Douma giggled a bit

(All I'm gonna say is)
Words: 664

Douma x akaza (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now