dog bite

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Taehyung looked at Jungkook with his adorable eyes

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Taehyung looked at Jungkook with his adorable eyes

"What happened Boba ball?" Jungkook asked softly

"bwing Taetae to amusement park dada" Taehyung asked cutely while playing with Jungkook's shirt

"Now?" Jungkook asked as he looked at his little bean

"Yesh yesh me wan' go now" Taehyung said while nodding his head cutely

"Dada will bring you ok? but not now!!! After having our lunch we can go alright?" Jungkook asked softly and bobbed Taehyung's nose with his softly

Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's cheeks with his tiny palms cutely and shooked his head with an pout

"Now dada pwease" Taehyung asked while his pout got bigger

"Dada didn't said no right? Dada promise to bring after the noon" Jungkook said and kissed Taehyung's tiny and soft palms

"Hmphhh!!! otay" Taehyung said but still he was pouting cutely

"My pouty baby" Jungkook said and gave a quick peck on Taehyung's pout

Taehyung couldn't help but to giggle out cutely

"Dada" Taehyung said as he giggled cutely which made Jungkook's heart to melt due to Taehyung's cute gestures

"Dada thought to make something for his little tiger, so do you want anything baby bear?" Jungkook asked while tilting his head

Taehyung cutely looked at Jungkook with his adorable doe eyes

"Yesh yesh Taetae wan' swomething Dada" Taehyung said while showing his adorable smile

"What my baby wants hmm?" Jungkook asked softly and giving an peck on Taehyung's chubby cheeks

"Hmmmm, dunno dada" Taehyung said while his lips curved to an adorable pout

Jungkook tilted his head and thought for a while and said softly "How about dada make cake pop for his baby tiger?"

Taehyung's eyes sparked with happiness and he cutely clapped his tiny cute hands while jumping on Jungkook's lap softly

"Yesh dada me wan' cake pop" Taehyung said cutely

Jungkook picked Taehyung in his arms and showered Taehyung's face with lots of pecks which made him to giggle out loud

"Dada twickleshhh" Taehyung said as he gave some sloppy kisses on Jungkook's cheeks

"Awww" Jungkook awed on his baby's cuteness

"Let's go to the kitchen and make my baby tiger's favorite cake pop ok?" Jungkook asked softly

"Yeshhhh dada let's goooo" Taehyung said and squealed in happiness

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