Have a Nice Life Clarke

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"You've earned the right to be your new human self in peace"


What he had always wanted

What he had always been searching for

For centuries he dreamed of this moment.

The moment that he would no longer have live in fear.

where his father no longer had any control over him

Where he was finally free

Free to live a nice normal life where he could finally have a family

And it was all thanks to Hope

Every moment he spent with this girl he was amazed by her strength and her compassion

She was amazing

And he was completely head over heals in love with her

and she had no idea

As he sat in that hospital bed and thought about that peaceful life he wondered what that life would look like with her.

He imagined a nice little home for them

It would have a room for her art of course

He imagined decorating their home for christmas and exchanging gifts under a tree

He imagined a house filled with art, laughter, love even children

He imagined a home

He always knew that starting a family was not possible for him but thanks to Hope he has learned that anything can be possible.

Her words from christmas echoing in his mind

Anything can be real if you believe in it enough

ever since that moment he has learned that anything is possible and has given him hope that maybe one day he would find a way to have that nice normal family.

A life with Hope

He could see it so clearly

And he wanted it so badly

"Have a nice life Clarke" she says as she stands up to leave

"actually um, my name is Ryan" he says.

"Then have a nice life Ryan" she says

He gets goosebumps hearing his real name coming from her lips for the first time and it is then he realized he wants to hear her call him that every day of his life.

As she turned to leave he instantly grabbed her hand

He had no idea what came over him, he could tell that he had surprised her as well and he instantly let go of her hand but she made no sign of leaving.

She was staring at him waiting to hear what he had to say

In that moment he realized that this was his chance

He could tell her how he feels

Beg her to give him a chance

To show her that she wants that nice normal life too

It was right there at the tip of his tounge, he just had to say it

But then he instantly thought of Landon

He remembered what he saw while he was in his father's head

Landon was alive

And Hope had no idea

He was conflicted

He knew that telling Hope the truth was the right thing to do.

But when had he ever done the right thing?

He could stay quiet

No one besides him knew about Landon's situation.

He could stay silent and get the girl while his brother stay trapped

But could he really lie to Hope

Could he really ask for a chance knowing that he is lying to her

The old agent Clarke probably wouldn't have thought twice about lying

The old Clarke would have only thought of himself

But he wasn't that guy anymore

And for once in his life he would not be selfish

"You should talk Dr. Saltzman about Landon"

She looked at him for a moment. He could read the confusion in her eyes but said nothing and turned to leave the room.

he watched her leave the hospital and out of his life

"Have a nice life Hope" he says whispered

Have a Nice Life ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now