Chapter 3

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For a minute the whole world seemed to slow down. My heart thumped in my chest. I could hear screaming coming from next to me. I tensed, waiting for the impact. I could hear the wind rushing past me.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and water filled my lungs. The screaming next to me stopped. This is it, I thought, I'm gonna die. I opened my eyes. It burned, but I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I swam toward the door. It was jammed!

I pushed and pushed. Pain flashed through my chest. Finally, the door came loose. I grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her out the door. I swam up, dragging Kara along with me.

I could see light shining above. I broke through the surface and gasped for air. I pulled Kara up and we, I mean I, started treading water and held her up. Kara didn't know how to swim.

I looked around and spotted an island. I swam to it and heaved her up on the shore. Immediately, she started to cry.

"Now what are we gonna do?" She sobbed, "We're stuck. Stranded! Were gonna Die on this island!"

"Calm down Kara. Just because we're currently on an island doesn't mean we have to stay on one." I sighed and checked the sky for planes or helicopters.

"Oh so you were all scared on the plane but you're  the boss down here?" She snapped at me, "I'm NOT a little kid! I can take care of myself," she said and stood up slowly.

I snorted a response and I walked off to find some food. Kara jogged after me, "Where you going?"
I turned around and pushed her back lightly "To get some food. Without you. Your job is to make a shelter."

"But..." she responded.

"If you don't want me to treat you like a kid, don't act like one."

Her reaction: Ignore me for the rest of the day.

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