The Earth's Strongest Maid

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
Bold = Dragon talking
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

Dragons... the strongest animals in the world. It is said that these beasts can fly, breathe fire and sometimes even use magic. And right now we see a dragon sits a top of a office building, as someone walks through the roof exit door which gets the Dragon's attention and that person is Kobayashi

 And right now we see a dragon sits a top of a office building, as someone walks through the roof exit door which gets the Dragon's attention and that person is Kobayashi

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Dragon: oh!

Kobayashi: my shift is over

Dragon: shall we return home, then?

Kobayashi Nods at the Dragon which the beast allows Kobayashi to climb onto it's back. The Dragon then starts to flap it's wings and takes off in the direction of Kobayashi's apartment

Kobayashi: didn't I tell you to stop waiting for me in that form?

Dragon: *hums in confusion* what's the problem? It's cute

Kobayashi: how is it cute...?

But the Dragon doesn't give a response which makes Kobayashi let out a sigh of frustration. After awhile of flying the two finally arrive at Kobayashi's apartment, which the Dragon drops it's head to allow Kobayashi to slide onto the ground, the Dragon then creates a transmutation circle and turn themself into a beautiful girl with long blonde hair with flaming orange tips and red-orange eyes with dilated pupils, and a buxom figure with large thighs and large breasts, as she wears a maid dress and smiles at Kobayashi and this girl's name is Tohru

  After awhile of flying the two finally arrive at Kobayashi's apartment, which the Dragon drops it's head to allow Kobayashi to slide onto the ground, the Dragon then creates a transmutation circle and turn themself into a beautiful girl with lon...

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Tohru: Miss Kobayaaaashi!! What would you like for dinner?

Kobayashi: ...... my butt hurts... *Tohru sharply inhales as Kobayashi faces the dragon* your back is to hard

Tohru: well that's so it can't be pierced by holy swords...

Kobayashi: my butt isn't Excalibur! starting tomorrow, I'm taking the train instead

 A Serpent Amongst The Dragonmaids (Futa!Reader X Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now