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We eat our lunches and before I can even blink again. We go outside for field. Our first event is triple jump. You have 3 trys. I do my first one not bad. I do my second I loved it. Third one I hated it. Everyone else did their jump. Btw there are 10 people doing triple jump. They always say whos 6th first and than they build up. I was happy with the place I got. I got 3rd place not bad top 3. My bff came first. Than it was running long I didnt do running long. My other friend came first. And than it was high jump im doing high jump. Ok im just going to skip everyone else. The person I hate made it over 1m 15cm and no one else did so its obvious shes first. Ok so they lower it down to 1m 10cm no one made it over the first time execpt for me. Im just like yes I might come second and goto areas. But they put it up to 1m 15cm again. My bff made it over. I didnt. So I came 3rd. My bff knows my dream is to goto areas so she let me and Im just lime YES I LOVE U AS A FRIEND LOL. Than it was standing im not doing it. Than shot put. I got 4rth for that. (Ya I know im sorry I didnt explain about what happened in shot put im to lazy) so ya I came 4rth.
Plz follow me Im going to keep on writing. Im gonna talk about what happened in areas.
High jump is important to me so im going to say how that went. So Im in line looking at everyone else jump. Than its my turn I start running in the curve im was going to jump but I started with my wrong foot so I ran around one more time. Im approaching the bar I lift my right foot up and than my left but I forgot to tuck in my butt and arch my back. So the bar fell. In my mind im thinking NOOOOOOOOO!!! I goto the back of the line. Than they lower the bar. I start running I approched the bar with my right foot and I lifted my left I tuck in m5 butt and arch my back and everyone starts clapping for and screams my name out. All I can feel and see is me lying on the matt looking at the bar still up. YES I MADE IT OVER. It was a tie breaker between me and my bff but the made it over a higher level and she got 2nd and I got 3rd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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