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I froze

Why was he saying this?

Taehyung realized I wasn't going with him, so he looked back and saw Minho holding my hand.

He came up to me and took my other hand

"You going, Han?" Taehyung asked me, pulling me closer to him

Minho pulled me back to him

"He isn't going." Minho said

"Why do you care?" Taehyung asked

They dead glared each other.

I had no idea what to do, I was just standing between them.

"Taehyung, wait for me here, let's go talk Minho."

I said and pulled Minho away.


He pulled me away, as I was lost in my thoughts.

I went trough an abusive relationship and I have trauma from that, but it doesn't mean I have to close myself and don't alone myself to fall in love again.

It took me a lot of time, it really did, but I realized I had feelings for jisung, and I couldn't let him go.

"What are you doing? Why can't I go with taehyung?" Jisung asked me as he pulled me far enough

"Jisung, listen to me, because I will not say it twice." I said and I hold his hands

He looked a little startled, but he didn't protest.

"I went trough....a really bad relationship. It was manipulative, abusive and toxic, and I swore to myself that I will never let myself fall in love, because I thought that love looked like this. I pushed everyone away and I built a walls around my heart, not letting anyone in. People thought I was mean and cold, so they started distancing themselves from me."

He was looking at me, still holding my hands.

He was listening.

"When I first saw you, you were just another kid, who would get scared of me like everyone, sooner or later. But when you walked up to me, asking me to do the project with you, I was scared. I couldn't push you away. Before I know it, you viewed me as a friend, and it was something new to me, something that felt so good."

I started caressing his hand with my thumb.

"When your mom died, and I saw how you were falling apart, trying to maintain the job and keeping Ari alive, it broke my heart. You weren't taking care of yourself, and it was absolutely hurting me. I wanted to help you, but you pushed me away. When you called me that you needed someone to babysit Ari, I immediately went to your house, and when you told me that you fainted, because you weren't eating and you were exhausted, I knew that I needed to help you, I wasn't gonna let you push me away this time, I couldn't see you fall apart, so I was ready to sacrifice my time to help you.

And I wouldn't do that just for anyone."

I looked at him.

"I knew that I cared about you, but when you fell on my lap, and we almost kissed, I knew that I started developing some feelings for you, and it scared me. I thought it will end up exactly like my previous relationship, and you will end up hurting me, or I will be the one hurting you. I thought burying my developing feelings for you would help me get past them, but when we kissed, all of my effort was gone.
After all of our moments we had, I started asking myself questions.
Is this what love actually looks like?
Should I be scared, or accept it?

When we watched "about time" and we made out, I was certain that I had feelings for you.

I want to wake up, seeing you stretching every morning, because it's the cutest thing ever.
I want to take you out of club when you get drunk and take care of you.
I want to keep helping you, dedicating all of my free time to you and Ari.
I want to caress your face.
I want to kiss you.
I want to be by your side.

I understand if you don't feel the same way I do, but I need to ask you, because if I don't, it will probably eat me alive."

I placed my finger under his chin, making him look at me.

"Will you be my boyfriend? Will you be mine?"

He stared at me with starts in his eyes, which made me fall in love with him more.

"Yes, yes I will."  he smiled at me and he pulled me close into a hug.

I was so happy.

He was finally mine.

I pulled away from the hug and I pulled him in for a kiss.

It was a gentle one, and I was filled with love.

"Will you still go with taehyung, or will you spend the day with me?" I asked him

"Uhmmmmm, I think I will spend the day with my boyfriend." he said and smiled at me

I pulled him for another kiss, and I was the happiest person right now.

I can't wait to tell Ari about this

"Jisung, I have to make something clear."

He nodded.

"I'm know that I care about you, and that I like you, and that I have feelings for you, like I never had for someone. But I also know that my trauma won't just disappear overnight, and I'm afraid if we take it too fast, we will only drift each other away, and I don't want that. So, would you mind if we went a little slowly?" I asked him

He just smiled at me.

"Of course. I completely understand. Tell me your boundaries, and I will never cross them."

I just hugged him, happy tears falling from my eyes.

Im so in love with him.

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