I'm off work today, luckily, and I've decided to go pick up a few things for dinner. It's not often that I cook but I'm feeling special today. I only had one tour yesterday, they wanted to stop at an island, which isn't uncommon. The kids played on the sand, the parents watching them with wide smiles of their faces. Seeing the kids play around just made my day.

I even managed to work on my drawing that I've been trying to finish. It seems like it's really coming together and, I'm not sure what's inspired me but, I'm not complaining. As I enter the store, the cold ac makes me shiver a bit. I grab a little basket, only wanting to pick up the necessities. I know if I grab a cart, I'll just end up getting junk I don't need.

I browse the aisles, waiting for something to catch my eye. I eventually find myself in the pasta section, not a surprise. I put some in the cart, venturing further down the aisle to pick a sauce. I stare at the selections: red, white, and pesto. I crouch down, placing the basket on the floor beside me. It's not hard to choose, I love them all, I'm just indecisive.

As I reach for a brand of tomato sauce, someone clears their throat above me. Thinking I'm in their way, I quickly grab the jar and stand up to move. I misjudged how close they were and end up bumping them. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I apologize, my gaze meeting them afterwards. My eyes widen slightly as I realize it's the woman from the other day.

"You're quite clumsy for a sailor" she teases, "what can I say? We've all got our faults" I shrug. I lean down to pick up my basket and place the jar carefully inside. "You're making pasta" she prompts, "yeah... are you a fan?" I ask and she shrugs a bit. "Who doesn't like pasta?" she counters, "fair point" I chuckle.

"Hey... how about you stop by? I'd like to apologize for the other day" I suggest, her eyebrows furrow in confusion before relaxing. "Right... well you did so just now, didn't you?" she points out, "yes, but... I just feel like we might've got off on the wrong foot. Nothing says 'I'm sorry' like a home cooked meal, right?" I joke and she smirks.

"Hmm... I suppose" she answers, "so that's a yes?" I prompt and she nods. It dawns on me that she doesn't have a basket which piques my curiosity. "Were you coming to get dinner for yourself?" I ask, "what?" she asks distractedly. "Dinner. I noticed you don't have a basket..." I point out and she looks down as if it just occurred to her.

"I was just coming to grab wine" she says, but for some reason I don't quite believe her. "Right... well—give me your number so I can send you the address" I state, she narrows her eyes at me and I roll my own playfully. "Fine I'll ask nicely. Can I please have your number?" I joke and she rolls her eyes before giving it to me.

I put it in my phone and text her the info before I forget. "Ok I'll see you around... 8" I say, "what if that's not a good time for me?" she counters. "It could be later" I propose, "later? Are you trying to seduce me?" she smirks. "I'm trying to accommodate you" quip, "sounds like a date" she challenges and I roll my eyes.

"Would you like it to be date?" I question, playing along with her games. "Hmm I'll think about it" she shrugs, "yeah, you do that" I chuckle. "Well, I have to go now. I have things to do but I hope you have a good rest of your day" I state as I adjust the basket on my arm. "Things like what?" she asks, "you seem very interested in me. Seems you've rethought your own proposition" I reply to turn it back on her.

She sighs deeply and narrows her eyes and I just raise my eyebrows, waiting for her answer. "Have fun doing your things" she quips, "I will" I state before turning to walk away. As I pick up the remaining ingredients for the dish, I think about our interaction. She seemed a lot more... playful today and yet distant. I'm probably thinking too much, considering I don't even know her that well.

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