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Sometimes Daniel gave him a headache.

No matter how smart he was in school, at times it seemed Daniel only had two brain cells left. He could be naive and slow. Maybe it was a lack of life experience. Maybe Daniel had grown up too spoiled and isolated.

Zack didn't know what it was, but it was driving him insane.

Sometimes it was just small things. Comments. Stupid ideas. Sometimes even frighteningly dangerous and reckless actions (like sneaking into Workers Club ViVi without the help of his friends).

Zack didn't claim Daniel was an idiot. He could be clever and cunning. And his grades spoke for themselves, but... sometimes Daniel was just an idiot.

He first noticed it when Yui was making eyes at Daniel.

She had him wrapped around her little finger in no time and the handsome man had been head over heels for her. Zack had been a little impressed when Daniel, embarrassed and shy, had refused her expensive gifts. Not understanding that she was trying to buy his affection.

All it needed to get Daniel blushing like a virgin was the smile of a beautiful girl. And he behaved like it was the first time that someone was flirting with him. It was ridiculous.

At the time, Zack had unfortunately witnessed the show firsthand. He had seen Daniel's cheeks blush and how insecure and shy he was flirting back. Barely able to handle her compliments. It had been disgustingly cheesy and cute. Pure torture for Zack's patience.

Then the "Yui problem" had taken care of itself and Daniel didn't seem interested in her anymore ... but now he had avoided Yui for several days and he seemed a little bit depressed. Unfortunately, Zack was still sitting next to him, bearing his sighs as Daniel's head lay on the table, his face buried in his arms.

Annoyed, Zack stared down at him and seriously considered comforting his new seatmate.

Damned. He was bad at that stuff. His love life wasn't going any better, but Mira couldn't be compared to Yui in any way either.

Someone else should take over and cheer Daniel up. Where was Zoe? Maybe it would help if she took care of Daniel. Even if Daniel was completely dense about her interest in him.

Zack just didn't understand what was going on in Daniel's pretty head, when he could understand Yui's behavior as flirting, while Zoe was friendzoned.

Suddenly a blue uniform jacket appeared before Zack's eyes. The boxer looked up, only to see a certain blond bastard standing in front of Daniel's table.

Jay had been absent from class for the last few days and hadn't noticed the debacle called Yui, but as soon as he was back, his focus seemed to go straight back to Daniel.

Jay touched Daniel's shoulder carefully.

Slowly, Zack's seatmate moved before raising his head and his mournful expression disappeared, only to be replaced by an excited smile when he saw Jay.

Ouch. Why did Jay get such an overjoyed reaction? And why the hell did Zack feel offended by this difference in treatment?

Daniel never greeted him like that.

What followed was one of those weird, one-sided conversations between the two princes of the fashion department. Zack listened with a raised brow and, as so often, wondered how Daniel could understand the blonde guy.

Automatically Zack started to ignore the two idiots and put his head on his arms to rest a bit.

Suddenly Jay placed a small package on Daniel's table. "Oh? A gift? Jay, you don't have to..." Daniel paused before Zack thought he heard a soft sigh. "... you're right. My old one broke."

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