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Art credits to @o0fyuu0o on Twitter !!

Episode Two:

Shinsou's POV

After finishing my meal, I sat down on the couch. I wonder where my love would be today. I turned on the news station for Musutafu, where he used to live. Before he died. Before his promising hero career was tragically ended by Muscular. Izuku. Why? Why did you have to save everyone at the cost of yourself? I need you. Izuku. My love. The news says that today, in Musutafu, there's a child, an orphan, who needs help. He's only 13. He's standing on the cliff. You could've saved him. You would've. That's just who you are. Who you were.

Toga's POV
"Hey, Katsuki~! How is Izu doing today?" I asked, on the phone with Kitty-Kat
"Better now that we're engaged. I think it's time."
"Really? You're sure?! As much as I'd love to watch Hito-kun lose his mind when he figures out what happened, it might be a little early if my dear Izu~ only agreed to marry you now! It's been over a year since you asked!"
"Tch. The best revenge is seeing your prize lost to you, given to another player who deserved it less."
"So cynical, kitty-Kat! I love it!"
How rude! He hung up on me! Oh well, guess it's time to go talk with dear old Shinsou!

I skipped out the door, into the living room. "Hey, Shinsou!"
"What do you want, T? Honestly, living with you is bad enough- now I have to interact with you?"
I giggled.
"Don't be so rude, Hito-"
"Don't you dare call me that. Only he can call me that."
"Well, if you still love him so much, you'll be glad to know this, then! He's alive."
A dreadful silence took hold of the room, and it felt noticeably colder as the silence got louder. Shinsou didn't move. He couldn't.

Shinsou's POV
He's alive.
The words resonated throughout my head, bouncing around, threatening to overcome me.

"What?" I asked, my voice shaking, teary eyed.
"He's alive! So basically, we had All for one make a copy of your quirk which we used on yourself! I think it was definitely an inspired idea! We brainwashed you into thinking that he was dead. Everything you've been experiencing since that day Bakugou knocked you out and gave you to me has been a lie! Your whole reality is fake! However, now that Izu~kun is engaged to Katsuki, 3 years later, I think we can bring you back to Musutafu so you can see him!"
The only reason I gave up on hero society, and using my quirk, is because he was the only thing that made me want to. But he's alive? Really?
"Why?" I asked, my blood boiling as one tear slid out of my eye, followed by several more. I shook with rage.
"Why not?" She asked, smiling.
Got you.
"Take me to him, now!"
Izu, I'm coming for you. Hold on.

Izuku's POV
"Hito, please! Don't do this!" I cried, begging.
"I told you! I told you that there was one rule, and I told you what would happen if you broke it!" he growled out, oozing dominating pheromones.
"Please, I won't try to escape again! We can go back to bed, cuddle up with some hot cocoa, and watch a movie! Just like you want to! Just like I want to! I promise! I won't even leave our room! Please!" I begged, feeling helpless, weak. So weak.
He made me so weak. It hurt so much.
"Really?" he asked, with hopeful eyes and a dopey smile.
"Yes, really! I won't even move from here unless you want me to! I swear, I'll only move around the house with your consent!" I collapsed onto the floor. His pheromones were simply too much for my omegan self. My heat was due in a week, and the effects were already so strong.
"Okay, princess, let's get you into bed, I'll make some cocoa. You pick the movie!" he smiled, humming as he began his task of carrying me into our bedroom.
He tucked me into the bed, all nice and cozy, in a burrito form, hardly able to move. I sighed.

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