Solangelo- McDonalds- complete

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"Nico! How do you have no more money? I just gave you money last week!", Will sighed.

"Well...", Nico starts as he looks to the side.

"McDonalds again? Why?", Will asks as he runs his hand through his blonde hair, tired of this.

"Can we go there now? I'm not feeling too good with you yelling at me.", Nico pleaded.

"But- but-", Will gave in after seeing Nico batt his eyes. He had two whole lessons from Piper on it.


Once they arrived, Will went up to order while Nico looked at the board that showed the toys you could get in a happy meal, listing off which ones he has.

"A milkshake and a hamburger for me. Nico, what do you want?", Will asks once he gets to the front of the line.

Nico eyed Will, and knowing he wouldn't be thrilled at what he's ordering, whispered it into the cashier's ear. 

As Nico and Will sit down and watch the kids play in the playground. 

"So, what did you get?", Will asks, curious at why Nico's being so mysterious about his order.

"You'll see," Nico smirked.


Soon after, the food arrived. A woman handed Will his hamburger and milkshake.

"Did you not get anything? Nico, you need to eat."

"It's coming, wait for it."

Two workers gave carrying handfuls of happy meals.

"What is that?", Will asked, shocked.

"50 happy meals", Nico shrugged as if this was the most normal thing ever and opened one.

"Here's your happy meals Nico. Is this Will?", One of the men carrying the happy meals asked.

"Yep. Thanks Dave. How's Sarah?" If it wasn't obvious yet, Nico came here often.

"You got 50 happy meals!", Will yelled. People turned around and stared at Will who shrunk back in his seat, embarrassed, "Sorry. But you got 50 happy meals?"

"Are you upset that it was your money that paid for this?", Nico asked as he tore a French fry with his black painted nails.

"You did what?!? You do know that this doesn't help with your depression, right?", Will sighed.

"They're called happy meals Will", Nico rolled his eyes as Will let out a chuckle.

"Alright, but don't go complaining to me when you don't know what to do with all of them and are sad."


"Dad, can we sue McDonalds?" Nico asked Hades.

"Why? I thought you liked McDonalds."

"The name Happy Meals is really misleading. I'm really sad still after eating 50 of them."

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