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friend groups + description.

Scarlett Hale , Annabell Rose , and Eloise Harden has been friends since they were little. They're parent's grew up together, causing the three to become friends. Often people says trio's won't work, but theirs did. Everyone admired them. Admired how strong their trio was and how they were all treated fairly.

The Marauders. Everyone knew them. Everyone wanted to either be friends with them or date one of them. They were the loudest group of kids. Out of the four, James and Sirius were the class clowns while Remus and Peter were more of the quiet kid type. They never had a huge reason to be loud in class. From time to time, their friend group along with Scarlett , Eloise , and Annabell would come together and become one big group. Mainly because everyone had a mutual friend in the mix.

Now, this group, no one knows what to call them. Some groups have names, and some just don't. And this one, no one can decided if it should or not. It was an odd mix. This group consisted of Regulus Black , Pandora Lovegood , Evan Rosier , Dorcas Meadows , Barty Crouch Jr , and Ezra Hale. It was confusing because Ezra and Pandora were pretty nice people. They talked to anyone and everyone. You wouldn't expect them to since ─ well , their friend group.


There are two most loved siblings. The Hale's and the Black's. Why? Well everyone loved the Black brothers because they're are very attractive looking people. Anyone and everyone would agree if they seen them. One glance and their in love! A lot people ( females and males ) used to try and get with sirius since he always had one night stands, but that all stopped once he started dating Remus Lupin. Shocker, i know! Remus dating a loud boy.. poor him.

Now the next ones are the Hale siblings. They are extremely nice to new people. Once you get comfortable around them and vice versa, you meet their weird hidden selves. Basically they were preparing you for that. But anyways, they love being helpful to students and teachers and randomly give things out to people if they're having a bad day. Once again, people have often tried to get with them, but they also often declined. But it was in a nice way that the person didn't care and probably became friends with them.

One thing you'd probably never see a lot is the four of them together. They all have different friends groups and could be busy. Though they have all been together once, and it was purge chaos. Most teachers wished Regulus and Sirius went back to not talking to eachother. As a joke of course.. anyways! It got bad that they all had to get detention because they decided to all pull a prank on a student who hated the four of them.

love interest.

Scarlett and Regulus.
Odd pairing, definitely. But at the same time, they sorta fit. Ones more reserved while the other is more outgoing. At the moment, they're associates/friends. They don't talk a lot but once they do, do not interrupt them. ( they're just talking about books )

Annabell and Ezra.
Oh everyone knew this was coming. They stare. Just stare. It was happening sooner or later. They're like ten-thousand percent in love with eachother. Teachers made bets to see how long it'll take for them to start dating, and of course, Minnie won.

Eloise and Pandora.
They actually one-hundred percent fit with eachother and once they got together, the two friend groups became one. Eloise and Pandora has taken a liking to pranking the group and finds it very funny.


Sirius , dog
James , stag
Regulus , black cat
Peter , rat

This is where the author create a color pallet for the love interest ( __ x oc )

Regulus and Scarlett
Dark green + Dark turqoise

Annabell and Ezra
Royal blue + White/Grey

Pandora and Eloise
Light blue + Sage green

I gave A LOT of information
and idk why but i kinda like
it like like this yk? Idk if i want
to makr Scarlett an Animagi or

edit:  lmk if i should + which animal !! this has been unpublished for a WHILE

sweet , regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now