♡ SFW alphabet - Muichiro Tokito ♡

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Character: Muichiro Tokito

Genre: SFW alphabet

A- Affection
• When he feels comfortable around someone he talks a lot about random things, and goes on rants. It shows that he trusts them
• He isn't good with grand gestures and prefers to make small actions of affection
• He doesn't smile much, so when he does it's usually because he wants to other person to know he likes them

B- Best friend (If they were your best friend or you were in their group)
• Muichiro would be a very protective friend
• He would want you all to himself and not like when you give others more attention than him

C- Cuddles
Starts off as hand holding but ends up with you literally holding eachother for dear life
• He gets a bit nervous when you're close to him but enjoys being near you
• Holds you very close to him for a while before loosening up a little

D- Domestic
• He isn't good with intricate tasks like sewing or cooking
• Muichiro good at heavy lifting and things that require stamina, so he tries to help out by doing that rather than stuff that uses up brainpower
• Terrible concentration, so he's not amazing at helping out in homey situations unless the task is simple

E- Ending (If you broke up)
• He would do it quickly and bluntly
• Honestly, Muichiro would have no idea what to do or say so he would probably come off as quite rude when doing it and then apologise later
• Might even ask someone else to break up with you for him because he doesn't know what to say 💀

F- Fiancé (How fast would they propose? Do they want to settle down?)
• After he unlocks his slayer mark he knows he doesn't have much time, so if he met someone he loved he wouldn't exactly wait forever
• Still, he wouldn't want to rush
• He doesn't like putting much thought into stuff like that, and prefers to just do what feels right

G- Gentle (How gentle are they physically and emotionally)
• He is cold towards most people but he is actually very kind when you get to know him
• Only shows affection and gentleness to people he trusts

H- Hugs
• Puts his head in the nook of your shoulder
• Very tight hugs
• When he hugs he just latches on and doesn't let go

I- I love you (How soon do they say the 'L' word)
• He says it as soon as he feels it
• Muichiro just says whatever comes to his mind, so he would want to tell you straight away before he forgets to say something

J- Jealous (Are they the jealous type? Do they get possessive?)
• He's p o s s e s s i v e
• Muichiro doesn't like when other people try to distract you from him
• He's very protective over your affection because he doesn't often grow close to people and really treasures your bond

K- Kisses
• Short, sweet kisses
• Gets flustered and doesn't know what to do with his hands so he just fumbles around until he figures it out
• Likes to hold your hair, face and neck area while you kiss

L- Little friends (Are they good with kids? Do they want them eventually?)
• Kids confuse him a little
• He doesn't like being around kids aged 7-11, but he has fun with toddlers and babies even though he is clueless as how to care for them
• Sometimes gets reminded of his brother by young kids which makes him sad

M- Morning (How are they in the mornings?)
• Muichiro yawns a lot
• He's very clingy in the mornings and barely ever wants to get out of bed / let you get out of bed

N- Night (How are they at night?)
• He gets even more quiet than usual when he's tired
• Sleepy boy
• Wants to cuddle but feels to embarrassed to ask for it

O- Opening up (How much do they express their feelings?)
• He's pretty hesitant to talk about his feelings, since he doesn't really understand them
• Muichiro completely trusts you but doesn't know how to express himself to you; he still tries his best nonetheless

P- Patience
• His patience fluctuates
• Sometimes he can wait for stuff if the person he's waiting for is important to him
• If he doesn't realluy care about whatever he's waiting for, he'll either take it by force or just forget about it

Q- Quizzes (How much about you do they remember? Are they good with dates?)
• He forgets everything obvs
• He occasionally writes lists of special dates but then forgets about it afterwards
• You made a rule with him that you wouldn't be offended when he forgot stuff and that you wouldn't be too embarrassed to remind him

R- Remember (What's their favourite memory with you?)
• He doesn't remember much, due to his amnesia
• So instead of thinking about the past, he prefers to make new memories with you every day and make sure that every moment counts

S- Security (Are they protective?)
• Muichiro is super protective towards people he cares about
• Lowkey possessive, hates the idea of losing you
• He would sacrifice anything for a few select people, but when it comes to the rest of the world he doesn't really care what happens as long as his loved ones are safe

T- Try (Do they put effort into the relationship?)
• He's not very good at romantic stuff and you usually lead the way, but he tries his best
• Even though his best isn't anything grand, you can still tell when he's trying to make you happy and you find it really sweet

U- Ugly (What's their ugly/bad side like?)
• His worst side is when his memory glitches and he derealises
• Sometimes it takes a while for him to go back to his normal personality after something upsetting happens to him, and he can sometimes get a bit defensive and mean
• He always feels really bad when he says something rude out of instinct
• He only cares when he does it to people close to him though, he's constantly sassy to everyone else

V- Vanity (Are they worried about their looks?)
• Muichiro KNOWS he's pretty
• He is well aware that most people his age aren't blessed with his looks, and he's secretly a bit smug about it

W- Whole (Dependancy, do they feel whole with you?)
• Idrk how to answer this one for him

X- Xtra (An extra headcannon)
• He can sing like an angel but isn't aware how good he is
• His showers are like a private convert

Y- Yuck (Their icks and turn offs)
• He hates people who act weak for sympathy and attention
• Attention-seeking makes him really angry since it diminishes the suffering of people who are ACTUALLY experiencing pain
• When demons try to play the victim in their final moments, he makes sure they die an extra painful death to shut them up

Z- zzz (What are their sleeping habits like?)
• His sleep pattern is freakishly robotic
• Mui can go almost 3 days without sleeping if he needs to, and he won't feel effects until day 3
• He usually gets a good 7 hours a night but he doesn't tire easily during the day

A/N: If you love Muichiro, you might wanna check out my book "Mirrors" <3

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