book one ❧ [iii]

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The ringing of the bell above the door of Jasmine & Pearls barely registered in the back of your mind as you lumbered right up to the cash register the next day.

"Good afternoon, Y/N!" Shotaro greeted you cheerily.

"Hi, Shotaro..." You couldn't muster up anything close to his level of enthusiasm, letting out a sigh. "Same old, same old, please."

"Uh oh. Sounds like the date didn't go so well?" He surmised, ringing you up then starting on your order.

"No, it didn't," you leaned against the counter to keep talking to him. "Barely lasted ten minutes."

"That's rough. You end it or did he?"

"I did. It was for the best but still... I thought I was going to really like this guy." Based off nothing but social media posts and word of mouth from friends, but you really were hopeful. You'd had a good feeling, and had trusted Jeno, Jaemin, and Donghyuck. And it blew up in your face.

Note to self, never fucking trust those three again.

"Don't feel too bad, Y/N. Seems like it's going around."

"What do you mean?"

"My roommate's date last night was a bust too."

"We should make a club," you chuckled cynically.

"Or I can set you up?" The siren offered hopefully.

"Thanks, but I'm good. I said I was going to take some time to focus on myself after my last relationship, and I meant that. Last night was me testing the waters, and I fucking drowned."

"That special, huh? Or, I guess not, in the end."

"Well, at least now I know, you know? No 'what if's to mess with."

Shotaro enthusiastically slammed your drink down in front of you. "Hell yeah, Y/N. A clear head."

"Exactly." You pulled the cup over to you.

He put the packaged straw down on top emphatically. "Fuck that guy."

"Bit extreme, Shotaro, but I appreciate the sentiment," you grinned, hitting the straw against the counter to pop it out from the plastic wrapping.

"You're coming to our Valentine's Day event next month though, right?" Your friend asked, pointing to the poster taped to the wall advertising the event. The evening of February 13th at the boba shop, with a special themed drinks menu and activities to do.

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it."

"Great!" He beamed at you.

"Anyway, I've got to go, and you've got more customers. See you." You took your drink with you towards the exit that a whole gaggle of high schoolers had just come through, waving to the siren over your shoulder.

"Bye, Y/N!"

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