THe begininininig (Anglish no firdt lanhgaue 😝)

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Disclaimer: I honestly do not feel like spelling correctly today, good luck. 


Flashes of lightning danced across the night sky, rain thudding on the cold concrete. Every house was dark except for one house, a manor per say. The door to the manor glided open, fighting against the wind, just as soon as it opened it slammed shut and a shadowy figure stormed out.

Dougles jolted up in a shock, sitting upright in his bed, rubbing his eyes. Remembering his dream reminiscing on his childhood experience. 

This recurring dream had haunted him since the happenings of a terrible event, one that had an everlasting imprint on Doug's life....

The mansion staff, staring in shock at the young boy, as tears ran down his cheeks, his face red and his eyes sore.

The dark shadowy figure, his father, who he had looked up to since his youngest years, had abandoned him, left him and his family to fend for themselves. Even though he had left them with his entire inheritance, he'd never feel the same feelings of joy and happiness again....

From that day on, he slowly drifted away from his family, and focused on the future, his goals, his money and his success. He got himself into a worthy school, and passed to what seemed almost effortlessly, although that was only because of his determination and will to succeed. He let nothing get in the way of his goals, even if that meant that his family would not be part of his future altogether. But little did Doug know; his visions of the future were not at all what he'd predicted it had in stall for him.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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