Chapter 3

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When Harry got through, he was immediately hit by the tense atmosphere in the room. There were no people at the centre of the room, instead they were all stood around, like on the stairs and behind the couches. Ron and Hermione were coming towards him, and nothing could have prepared for what happened next.
Ron swung his fist and had punched Harry right on the nose, and a crunch could be heard. His mind went blank at the contact. All he could do was stare them wide eyed while waiting for an explanation. 

"YOU TRAITOR! YOU'RE MEANT TO BE MY BEST FRIEND! YET YOU LEFT ME AT THE STATION AND I GOT INTO TROUBLE ALONE!" Harry's mind was only just understanding what Ron was so angry about and argued back, ignoring the blood pouring down his lips. "I even told you not to go along with it, how is my fault that you were being too bloody stupid to listen?!"
"Really?! Do you think I didn't see the way you spoke to the slimy snakes today?! You're just like the rest of them!"
"Last time I remember, you don't get to decide who I'm friends with. If you can't get that through your thick sku-" Harry was cut off by a sharp sting on his left cheek. Stumbling back, he put a hand up to the already forming bruise in shock. His second best friend had slapped him. His two best friends had hit him in the same day.
His whole world was crashing down and the images of the people he befriended, his own housemates, shattered into a million pieces. It became too much so he slowly walked out of the room. Once he was out, Harry kept on increasing the pace until he was full on bolting, with his back and legs aching but refusing to stop. He went into the bathroom on the second floor and finally collapsed. He went to the corner of the bathroom and finally fell into hysterics. He laughed, he cried, he shouted and mumbled. All together, he looked more and more like a patient in a mental asylum, rocking back and forth in a foetal position, rather than the 12 year old wizard he was.

Draco's perspective
He couldn't sleep. Draco had inherited his mother's insomnia so it was really hard for him to fall asleep without being completely exhausted first. He tossed and turned before deciding to go on a midnight stroll up the castle. Carefully, he crept out his shared dorm before walking at a heathy pace when he froze at the sound coming from the second floor bathroom. Curiosity winning over self preservation, he drew out his wand and jumped into the bathroom. There really was no need, because once he saw what was going on, the usually steady wand arm fell limply to his side in his shock. 

Harry Potter, the boy he was taught to hate yet had agreed to be friends with him had dried blood covering his chin, and was currently unconscious in the far corner of the bathroom. Draco rushed over and quickly put the boy on his back. He almost cried at how severely underweight Harry felt against his back and swore to get him to eat more at Hogwarts. 'That would be a bit difficult', he thought, 'I've never actually seen him each much at school...I just hope what I'm thinking isn't the case.'
Walking as fast he could, he got to the infirmary, waking up an annoyed Madam Pomfrey in the process. That annoyance faded away when she assessed the distress of the pale boy in front of her.
"What happened?", she asked, when she had taken the still unconscious Harry from Draco's back and was carefully tending to the boy's many wounds. He would only shift uncomfortably when she got to any of the major ones, which were quite a lot.
"I'm not sure, all I know is that I found him on the bathroom floor with a bruise on his cheek and a broken nose." Even though no more words were exchanged, both of them a had a very good idea of where Harry could have gotten his recent injuries. And for this, Dumbledore was on his way of losing another valuable ally.

Harry's perspective

Opening his eyes, he saw the blurry image of the blonde boy he had grown close to, saying his name while putting his glasses on for him. Once his sight refocused, he was instantly grabbed into a furious hug by Draco Malfoy.

"Hmm? Did you bring me here Draco?" A simple nod was all he got, so he looked at the grandfather clock stationed at the far end of the infirmary.'12:37...That would mean I was out for at least four hours' He gave a sheepish smile to Draco, who was now sat beside him to his right. "Sorry you had to go through all this trouble, Draco"

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