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Opening my eyes I find myself staring at a dark blue seat. An airplane seat. One of the worst seats to be made in this world. Like why do they have to be so uncomfortable? Looking over to my right I see my mother sleeping ofcourse. Me and my mother are just the same when it comes to sleeping, if we get the chance to sleep we most definitely take it. But she doesn't get woken up by unexpected voices. Schizophrenia is my latest diagnosis. You see, schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. So you can see how lucky I am to get such a wonderful disorder. The most common types of schizophrenia are paranoid schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, and undifferentiated schizophrenia. I have disorganized schizophrenia. Really I just hear voices and have a hard time speaking.

"Thai dear, are you alright?" My mother questioned starting me a bit as she was no longer sleeping.

I simply nodded my head in return so she could see that I was fine.

"Ok well we're going to get off the plane soon so you just be ready, ok?" She answered.

"Mhm," I hummed as my response.

I sat back in my seat admiring my mother's beauty. She says I get all my good looks from her, and I don't think she's lying. We have the same dark purple hair, and our head shape is like she copied and pasted it on to me. And our skinny, weak, small bodies are pretty similar too. I also look very feminine I guess. Well I've been told by almost everyone that's met me that I look like a girl. My mother hates this, and so do I. I have been hit on by too many men at this point. I may start counting. Also my pale skin is just the slightest bit whiter than hers but you almost can't tell. The only thing of hers I don't have is her eyes and gender. My mother's eyes are a bright green while mine are a sad, light gray. Personally I hate my eyes because they remind me of my father. And it doesn't help that it's what I get complimented on the most.

"Thai we're getting off now," my mother whispered to me as though not to disrupt my train of thought.

"Oh..ok," I whispered back but my mother could barely hear it.

We climbed out of our uncomfortable seats and grabbed our suitcases on the way out the plane door. When we walked out the door, the dampness in the air was nothing like home. As we started walking into the airport  I couldn't help myself but think about where we should be right now. But Russia just had to invade Japan! So let me get you up to speed. Russia wanted Japan to become part of their "colony" so they could have our weapons. But Japan didn't like this idea so we said no and Russia got pretty mad. Then they started threatening Japan and soon the missiles came down upon our land like Godzilla. I didn't want to move to the U.S but my mother is overprotective what can I say. That's the real reason we're moving here to Augusta maine. And because of my father. He's not the best person. Well unless you think beating your family is okay then yeah he's not a very good person. When we finally made it inside the car my mother started to drive to our destination, our new home. My mother says it's going to be nice but I don't really care what the house looks like. It could be bright pink for all I care, just as long as I get my own room. I'm in the passenger seat, much more comfortable than those airplane seats, and looking at the window of the car it looks so depressing out there. With all that rain and gray sky It's just sad. It almost reminds me of a painting I've come to like over the past few days. I don't think it has a name but it was of a small girl, probably the of the age of six, looking out a window in a dark room. She was just looking out the window even though there was nothing there. Well at least nothing we, the observer, could see. That's the fun part of the painting, you have to use your imagination to come up with what the little girl is looking at. I don't know why I was thinking about that right now but I was. And it was kind of nice until my mother started talking and intruded my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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