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niko sat with her legs crossed, chin propped against her knuckles as she watched yuta in the kitchen

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niko sat with her legs crossed, chin propped against her knuckles as she watched yuta in the kitchen. he was prepping some vegetables, since that was what he was most confident in, while the two discussed their preferred taste in music.

"i hear what you're saying, but heavy alt and emo rock shouldn't be buried with your teenage self. i went through some of my old playlists recently and some of it is still really good."

the girl couldn't help but smile at how hard the rockstar was pleading his case. as a late teenage, niko did have a small obsession with heavy metal that's faded nicely as she's grown, but her love for rock was something she felt had been slipping recently.

yuta was quiet as he focused on dicing the veggies. he wiped his knife on a hand towel before moving onto the meats. his gaze stayed on his hands as he spoke. "i'd be happy to make you a playlist, if you like."

niko couldn't bite back the smile pulling at her lips. "well, i already know we both like hyde..."

"i was once rumored to be his long lost son," yuta commented suddenly, causing the girl's smile to fully grow. "i remember that!"

yuta paused, as if mentally face palming. "oh, right. sometimes i forget we're famous."

niko continued watching him work with her chin in her hand. "it's strange... 'famous'." she began with a small breath that made her shoulders drop slightly. "i never thought i'd be famous. not like this, at least."

finished with the chopping, yuta carefully washed the knife off in the sink before returning it to its previous position on the rack. "when you were young, what did you want to be when you got older?"

"i always hated this question as a kid," she said with a little laugh. "i never knew now to answer. i wanted to be a writer, but i was once told by my teacher to pick something realistic, so i stopped answering whenever i was asked."

she didn't mean to bring the mood down, but when she looked up to catch yuta's eye, she realized she had. panicked, the girl straightened and quickly tried to come up with another answer. "i mean, i liked animals, so i'd say vet or something along those lines... what about you?"

yuta was quiet for a moment before meeting her shaky gaze and offering a small smile. "i think you would have been an amazing writer."

niko felt her heart thumping against her ribs, threatening to shatter right then and there. she forced herself to look away from him, afraid she might blush or burst into tears. "thanks."

clapping his freshly washed hands together, yuta smiled and stepped away from the kitchen counter. "my work here is done. switch?"

"switch," niko agreed with a nod, hopping off of the barstool she'd been seated on and moving to take his place in front of the nicely cut ingredients. "i will warn you, i don't think i've made anything like this since before my mom died."

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