Chapter Two

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As the Sun rose, Tails could smell food coming from the kitchen.

Tails wasn't allowed in the kitchen. There was too many sharp things, and neither his parents nor his brother trusted him to be completely untempted around him.

For a moment, the Fox considered not moving or getting out of bed. Then, he thought better of it. He didn't want anyone to have to come into his room and drag him out of bed to get ready for the day. He'd already made plans to meet with Cream and Ollie, two of his close friends. The three would hand out with Vanilla (Cream's mother) watching them.

This would give Sonic time to go out by himself and hang out with his friends while Tom and Maddie were at work. That was just how weekends typically were.

'Alright.' He thought, pushing himself up. His body ached as he moved, like his bones were ten times older than him. That was annoying.

He glanced at the calendar hanging above his nightstand. October 9th. He sighed, practically tossing himself off the bed. He hated October. It was cold and windy, and it would take the entire month to at least have Halloween.

But there was something worse waiting for him in October. Something he'd much rather not be thinking of. Still, even as he got dressed and crept to the bathroom, it blazed in his mind.

He wished that he'd forget about it through the day, but he knew it was unlikely.

Tails glanced at the paper taped to the side of the mirror.

"Today will be a good day :D"

The Fox smiled to himself. Sonic had put that there a week ago, but it always made him smile. "Today will be a good day." Tails whispered to himself. He kept whispering that, trying to making sure it stayed in his mind all day.

Soon, his teeth were brushed and his hair - somewhat - combed through. For just a moment, he stared at the mirror. Not a good idea, really. The longer he stared, the more his mind picked apart his appearance.

Too frail, too many freckles, too pale, too disheveled-looking, too tired, too many scars.

Hs second tail flicked. He was a-

No. He shook his head. He wasn't going to think about that. He wasn't going to think like that today. He was going to have a good day. His fists clenched around the sink as he leaned over it. he couldn't think like that. He didn't want to.

He didn't want to think like this, so why was he? Why couldn't he just feel normal?

Tails pushed himself away from the sink, averting his gaze from the mirror. "Today. Will be. A. Good. Day." And with that, he left the bathroom.

Sonic was waiting in the living room, texting someone. He looked tired, something Tails immediately noticed. Sonic looked over to his brother and smiled. "Morning, bud." He said, standing. "Ready for some breakfast?" He asked. Tails nodded, and the two headed to the kitchen.

After breakfast, the two were out the door. For a moment, the two thought about bringing up what had happened that night. Tail wanted, if only for a second, to tell his brother  how he was feeling lately. The thought that seemed to be plaguing his mind more than ever.

What he'd been considering.

But one look at Sonic's eyes made that choice in the back of his mind hiss at him. 'You're only hurting him. He's too kind. Too forgiving. If you tell him any more, you'll only hurt him.'

He looked ahead again. Today will be a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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