Chapter. 1

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    I only came to this school because someone suggested it and I didn't want to grow up a no life loser and because I've always wanted to but that's besides the point, growing up in a foster home was unpreferable but i obviously wasn't given a choice, I've met my parents once before they disappeared and left me with a random library employee, so of course I wasn't fond of them. The only other family of mine that I knew of was my cousin, Karin, but it was only a couple pictures of her so I have no idea who she is exactly.
      Once I showed my face at hopes peak I wanted to leave the second I saw two body guards, but I had little to no choice since I've already been accepted along with other lucky strangers I guess.
I hesitantly approached them avoiding serious I contact but they looking at me all, I don't think they were looking at anything to be honest. I finally looked in their faces to see them ignoring me so I attempted to creep by them and sneak through the doors but before I could even blink my eyes I was thrown into the ground falling on my shoulder in a awkward position.
I tried to sit up and confront them but they announced something to me,
"NAME!?" I slightly jumped not expecting him to almost scream at me.
"naruto uzimaki" by now I stood up dusting the dirt off of me and realizing the way my shoulder feels.
I waited several for either one of them to say something but they stayed silent, finally the one who body slammed me slightly moved from the door letting me pass through.
I slowly walked into the doors regretting the decision I've made to come here, desperately missing home.
The school seemed empty and deserted but besides that I got confused seeming as no other students were in the lounge, I figured they were in their dorms already? Maybe they forgot to escort their last student? While I was caught in my train of thought I heard light footsteps run towards me, I turned around hurriedly hoping to see another student I saw nothing but darkness.
What seemed like minutes but we're probably hours passed by I woke up frantically jumping up looking around for who knocked me cold, but there was no one around me, just a hallway and a door. I started to get irritated as I've been beaten on two times since I've entered this school, which I don't even know if it's a school anymore.
After only a few seconds I decide that I don't like hallway's anymore and went through the door entering a strange room.
I stepped in to see 14 other students awkwardly and irritatingly standing around, I was shocked but also happy I wasn't alone in here, after basking in boredom and confusion I walked over to a fairly pretty girl with long purple hair and pale skin "hey, do you know what's happening here?" "I don't have a clue, I came into the school and was knocked out from behind just like everyone else here, what's your name by the way" "oh I'm Naruto, you are..?" " I'm Hinata" I smiled and walked away to someone else, she said everyone here had the same story so there's no need to ask them what happened, I saw a guy with a bag of chips, sweating heavily, I walked over to him deciding to get everyone's names, before I could nicely approach him I stepped on someone's foot causing them to yelp and hold their foot "YOU CANT SEE WHERE YOUR GOING S-SHORTY!!" "huh.." "I SAID W-WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING DIPSHIT!" "a-alright fine calm down!" After our unique conversation she walked, or waddled over to some guy that seemed to have an attitude, I locked eyes with him until he rolled his eyes and looked away.
I made it over to the fatty in the corner sweating bullets. I calmly approached him receiving spit pellets on my face from him chewing with his mouth wide open "I'm naruto, what's your name?" "IM THE ONE, THE ONLY, CHOJI!!" After his announcement I had a spit covered piece of chip sliding down my cheek "ok nice meeting you Choji.." I speed walked to the next person, I seemed to notice her face but I couldn't quite remember it.. "hi um, have we met before?, you look familiar" "probably but I wouldn't care enough to remember a face like that" "..." " I'm tenten by the way" " oh your the magazine chick, you look different though" she usually had braided pigtails and a certain Type of makeup, but in person she had different features "I'm not a magazine chick I'm a K-pop artist" "and that is...?" "Forget it shorty" "oh I forgot to tell you my nam-" "i promise I won't remember it so just leave already" "fi-" "now please!" I walked away trying to figure her out but quit when I locked eyes with the creepy guy in the corner, I've learned to not judge books by their cover so I walked to him avoiding eye contact, "um hi how are you?" He ignored me and slightly shifted away from me "hello..?" He turned his entire body away from me completely ignoring my existence "I'm Naruto, what's your name?" I could hear him blowing his breath and slouching his shoulders which reminded me of my dislocated shoulder, it didn't hurt anymore it just felt funny, I was cut from my thoughts when I heard a deep voice "Gaara" I looked up and say the creepy guy Gaara turn around and continue to mind his business, walked away smiling feeling successful in finding out his name.
I approached three guys talking to each other about the current situation which I've already forgotten about, two of them looked terrified while the big one looked pissed off.
"Hey what's you guy's names?"
"Sora" was fairly short and dressed like a girl but anyone else would think he's a female.
"Lee" seemed worried but looked like an athletic guy, he also dressed like a marine corp or something.
"Kankuro" was a famous gang member I recognized, he was really buff and almost the tallest in here.
"Cool names I'm Naruto"
They nodded and returned to their conversation, Sora seemed more at ease and smiled at me then returning to his conversation.
I backed off into a corner gazing around feeling hungry, I noticed a fairly sized girl with light purple hair picking and searching around for I guess a way out, she and the guy with the attitude seemed the smartest, I walked behind her and tapped her shoulder, were the same height so we're eye to eye, "can I help you..?" "Sorry I just wanted to know your name" "you can call me konan" "you can call me Naruto"
I smiled at her and she returned a fake smile back and quickly turned around and continued to pick at the door.
I've met almost everyone except for a select few.
I approached the girl whose foot I stepped on and who I assumed to be her boyfriend "hi I'm n-" "Can we help you.."  "I was trying to introduce myse-" "W-we don't want your introduction, isn't that right sasuke?"
Now that I had his name all I needed was hers which I was starting to loose interest in "quit talking freak" "Y-YOU HEARD HIM, BEA-" "I was talking to you Sakura" "oh"
Once I learned both of their names I smiled because I was almost done introducing myself to everyone "so are you guys dating?"
"Basically ye-" "ew" "oh well my names Naruto, I was nice talking I guess.."
"Both of you go away" Sakura sulked away while walked over to the tallest guy and the person with rings and necklaces on.
I approached them overhearing their conversation "what's your zodiac sign dude?" "Uhh I don't think I have one why?" "You're such a Leo" "ok...?" they both seemed slow but I approached them anyway "hi I'm Naruto what's are your names?" It took the tall one a second to remember his name "Neji" "I'm kiba" he had a toothy grin and was less stupid than Neji I'm nodded and almost escaped before Neji called me back over "yea?" "So Naruto, what's your birth month crystal?" " excuse me" he just started at me waiting for an answer "uh a diamond?" "Yea no I think it's a ruby" "sure" this was the first time I've ran from a conversation.
I introduced my self to the last two girls, ino was a fit girl and seemed fun and annoying while temari was the strongest person I've seen in my life but was very nice.
Squeezing back in a corner dozing off I hear metal clicking and people gasping, I jump from my cat nap and look to see the smart girl, Konan triggered something and unlocked the door we all walked out into a empty lobby it seemed, with distant rooms.
A sudden screech played over the intercom before an annoying voice gave us instructions "IF YOU WANT TO FIGURE OUT THIS MYSTERIOUS SITUATION, I SUGGEST YOU ALL GO TO THE GYM-M-" the annoying voice and music faded out every looked irritated and or confused.
Everyone started searching for the gym doors until we found them almost an hour later.
We open the doors and stepped inside anxious to see what's actually happening.

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