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"Ell!" CARLOS SAINZ called as Estella turned around and walked over to hug her older brother. "Hey, I missed you!" Estella said.

"What about me, Ella?" LANDO NORRIS asked. "Not a chance, Norris" Estella replied. "Don't you two start already" Carlos added as he put his sister's bags in the car.

Lando ran to the passenger seat, Estella rolled her eyes and gave him the finger before sitting in the back.

"So Ella, what's going on between you and Jude?" Lando asked. "Nothing, we are best friends that's all Lan" Estella told him.

"Everyone can tell you like each other, why don't you try?" Carlos said. "That's the thing Carlos! I don't wanna ruin our friendship, that means so much to me and I can't lose him" Estella mumbled.

"Ell, you won't lose him. The friendship means so much to him as well" Carlos told her. "You need to talk to him about it, he's probably thinking the same thing" Lando added.

"He is, I overheard him talking to his mother about it when I was there" Estella said. "See! He's thinking the same, you both just need to talk to each other" Carlos replied.

"When you seeing him next?" Lando asked. "Like next week, he's flying over to Barcelona" Estella told the pair. "You both already act like a couple, flying to different countries just to see each other" Carlos added.

"It's because we play for different clubs in different countries, Carlos" Estella said. "Still, you both end up flying over like every other week" Lando added.

"Okay, whatever. Enough about me, anything you two need to update me on?" Estella asked. "I can think of a few things" Carlos said.

"Tell me!" Estella exclaimed.

TEENAGE DREAM || JUDE BELLINGHAM (C)Where stories live. Discover now