Escape Room

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Word-Count: 4.332


Pete was fucked, really, truly royally fucked. He should have never agreed with this shit in the first place. Unfortunately his friends wanted to go to a horror escape room this Halloween and Pete absolutely hated the idea! When did this become even a thing in Thailand anyway? As far as Pete was concerned, America should have kept Halloween all for themselves. Pete's country had already taken Christmas and for a few years now Pete's grandma even let him fit up a monstrous plastic Christmas tree in their living room when he came to visit her in December. He was okay with that. The lights, the colors, presents and cookies. Even the cringy Christmas songs. All was fine.

But Halloween? No thank you!

Pete was never one for horror movies or anything like that. He didn't like blood or ghosts or jump scares. And he loathed darkness.

Pete wasn't a wimp. He even boxed for his university and he was frankly really good. But fear was not about strength or muscles. He was just afraid of supernatural stuff or murderers creeping into your house and killing you in your sleep. That's all horrible! Why the fuck would anybody make a spectacle out of that?

The thing was, now it was too late. He had already agreed to come with his friends to that haunted horror house escape room thing. He couldn't refuse, after even Porsche agreed.

Porsche was freaking afraid of ghosts. Everybody knew that and the others pranked him and made fun of him occasionally. But nobody knew about Pete's fears, simply because Pete never told anybody. Not even his best friends. On the logical side Pete knew he could tell them about it if he wanted, but there was something inside him, beaten in deeply by his father's very own hands that didn't allow Pete to confess fear or weaknesses. He couldn't even ask for help and was instead always the one who offered to help his friends.

So he couldn't say no if he didn't want to lose his face and he hadn't managed to make up an excuse fast enough. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. It was supposed to be fun, so they wouldn't really scare you out of your body, would they?

He looked over at Porsche while they were waiting in the line until it would be their turn. His friend was ashen and his hands were shaking, so were Pete's, but he kept them in the pocket of his hoodie to hide it from the others.

Although even if Porsche was maybe more afraid than Pete he had at least his boyfriend Kinn who had wrapped his arms around Porsche and held him securely. Pete had never been jealous of his friends' relationships, neither Kinn and Porsche nor Arm and Pol, not even Big and his strange older boyfriend Chan. Who was grumpy, but somehow seemed so dominant, that Pete sometimes blushed when the older man looked at him with his trademark stern expression.

But now he was jealous, because all of them were here with their boyfriends (even Chan was here, maybe he would scare the actors in the house more than they him, but he was soft for Big, so of course he was here too, even if he was almost double their age). Only Pete was alone and would have nobody to cling on if things got ugly. He considered briefly sticking with Chan and Big, but he always felt a little bad being close to Big's boyfriend since he maybe had had a wet dream about P'Chan once or twice. Maybe more, Chan was hot, okay?

Pete would never make a move on Chan though, first because he was terrible with flirting and second (and foremost) he hated cheaters and would never hurt his friends. Pete was just "looking", but perhaps this situation was the punishment for having a little crush on his friend's boyfriend. Karma was a bitch, obviously a Halloween liking bitch. So Pete needed to survive this without the help of others.

Escape Room (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now