Rules of Nature

533 18 3

(Y/N)'s Pov.

"God damnit man. How am I gonna tackle this...?"

I was currently in a two story building in a downtown area overlooking the border. But god damnit the soldiers in the area were like flies on shit.

"Not wanting to leave the god damnit..."

Currently the little girl who I learned is name Anna. She was eating some food I was luckily able to find when this issue happened.

"Sir why don't we just disguise ourselves and get through like that...?"

I frowned softly thinking on the idea.

"We can't. The initiated a lock down and two people running around would look to suspicious."

I was luckily able to badage my leg and get a phone to put this A.I that was in my hand. Luckily she's been able to help us through the city but, were now on the final stretch.

"Luckily the Ukraine has been at odds with Russia which is sadly why these soldiers are everywhere."

The A.I told me this and I will admit the reason behind it was pretty funny.

(Author:Lowkey I made this Russian assault before Ukraine happened soo the fact I've now got actual material for this escape plan is cool. Life gave me the cheat codes XD. P.S any jokes or choices I make are in no way to hate or hurt russian or Ukrainian peoples feelings.)

As I was thinking on this I realized something...

"Hey I never learned your name?"

I turned to the phone that was chilling on a metal chair the A.I was in a small hologram looking to me.

I was in a small hologram looking to me

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(This is how she looks by the way)

"Oh my name is Randvi."

I looked to her with a surprised smile.

"Well that's an actual good name. I thought it was gonna be scary like Sheldon or Tim."

She laughed and I couldn't help but laugh. Nice to know I could smile even when it felt like all was for naught.

"Well you didn't think a nurse A.I could have a good name."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Simce when did nurses have names people cared about."

She raised her hand to present a counter argument when suddenly.

"Hey American you their."

I look down to the radio on my built gripping it and raising it to my mouth.

"Copy. Whats up?"

"Look out the window."

I looked at the window that showed the courtyard. And across the way in a separate tower. Their was a red laser pointing at me.

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