Chapter One

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A dark cloud hung over the Lemuel family. For some reason, something was off with their youngest child. Born abnormally smaller than her other siblings, she was yet to show any signs of being a witch.

The other siblings at an early age, could perform the simplest of spells but not Lenore. She was as mundane as a human. And it was a great problem because the Lemuel family were known to produce the greatest witches to ever exist. No anomaly has been recorded in their family until now.

The elders sat around the table in a gloomy atmosphere.

"What do we do?" Her mother Matilda asked in a somber voice.

"It not unheard of to be a late bloomer" an older Lemuel said. He had lived for so long and seen much more than anyone at the table. Other species had late bloomers and he believed Lenore could be one too. Her powers would eventually show up and they may be in for a surprise when the time came.

"It's unheard of in our family" Selene, a distant relative of the family voiced out and a few muttered in agreement.

"It's unbelievable that she cannot perform even the least of spells" Selene added her voice filled with disgust. Matilda was hurt that her child was being regarded in this manner but she would never speak up. Their prestigious name was very important and must be preserved.

"I agree. I do not believe it" the oldest Lemuel spoke again.

"I said we call the child. See for ourselves. She must be able to move objects with her mind. Cranus is most likely exaggerating" he said referring to the father of Lenore.

The current ruling Lemuel. He had a stoic look on and has not uttered a single word since the beginning of the meeting. He had a cold exterior and outsiders often found it difficult to relate with him but his family adored him because he was the strongest.

"Get the child" he commanded in a harsh voice and the guard who was standing at the entrance rushed out to get the child.

Lenore was playing with the toys they had gotten for her. It was her only source of entertainment and happiness since she was rarely allowed to play outside with her siblings or be seen by the family or visiting outsiders.

She was surprised when the door open and a guard was standing there.

"Your father has requested for you"

"My father?" She jumped from the floor surprised at the guards words but she was happy nonetheless. It would give her a chance to leave her room. She dusted the hem of her dress and hurriedly wore her slippers to follow the guard.

The six year old knew that her parents attitude were abnormal but she often blamed it on the duties they had to bear. She tried to be understanding and constantly assured herself that her parents loved her.

The moment the door opened, she crossed the room and climbed into her mothers legs, oblivious of the stares of the others.

"You didn't come back the last time mother" her mother had visited her once in the last week but she only stayed for a while. She promised she would return but this was the first time she was seeing her after that.

"I had something important to do" Matilda said while setting her on the floor. Lenore felt hurt by the actions but she smiled still holding onto her mothers hands. Her eyes traveled the room and landed on her father. His eyes were cold and emotionless like they always were but she smiled at him.

"Lenore" a hard voice called. She shifted her attention to the new voice. It was a tall woman with an unfriendly face. She tried to shield herself behind her mother but Matilda did not offer her such protection.

She was left exposed to the woman.

"Stand at the center" her father commanded and she moved instantly. She was now in view of the entire room.

The woman stood from her position, placing a thin bottle on the center table.

"You have to move this with your mind" the woman said and returned to her seat.

Lenore's eyes travelled across the room unsure of what to do. Unlike her siblings, she had no magic. Her parents knew that so why did they want her to do something that she couldn't do. And in front of all this people.

"Think of it moving and let the magic flow through you child" a gentle voice said encouraging her.

She cast a look at her mother and she nodded.

She closed her eyes tightly and tried to concentrate. She imagined the bottle moving and she felt a tingle after a long while. It was only for a short while but she felt extraordinary in that moment she opened her eyes expecting to see the bottle floating in the air but it was still in its old position.

"Is that all?" The woman asked.

"Yes" she mumbled in a small voice. The disappointment in the woman's eyes was glaring. Her mother refused to acknowledge her.

"We have seen it all for ourselves. She is nothing like us" the woman's voice echoed in the room and Lenore's fragile heart broke.

"You have to come to a decision Cranus" a new voice said.

A decision? What was going on. Her eyes searched her fathers own but she couldn't find anything there.

"It's unfortunate that the situation is like this but our family has a name and we must preserve it" Cranus said loudly. He was a perfect man and he couldn't stand imperfection even if it was his daughter.

"I've considered the options we have and I've come to a decision" the hall was silent as they all waited for his verdict.

Lenore shifted nervously. She had a bad feeling about this. She clutched her dress tightly in her small fists and waited to hear what her father would say.

"Lenore will be sent away"

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