Chapter Five

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Kagome sighed as she finished getting dressed, she didn't know how..but he really did get everything in the right size for her.

It was a little...disturbing.

As she picked up the bag, it was then when her eyes caught the words on the bag causing her to squeak and drop the bag from her hands.

He didn't!

Her blue eyes stared wide eyed at the bag that laid innocently on the ground. She couldn't believe he went there!

What man goes in that store by himself!

A blush dusted her cheeks as she thought of him getting her things at that store. She didn't even buy her own things there, and here a man she knew nothing about went and spent money to go buy things for her there.

Sighing she straightened herself up and looked in the mirror, she looked presentable...that was good at least. Kagome took a deep breath as she looked at the bag on the floor not bothering to pick it up.

She was too embarrassed.

Making her way out of the bathroom she made her way back to the bedroom again. As she stepped into the room, her blush started to come back.

All she could picture is him in the pink Victoria Secrets store.

When Charlie saw her, he stood from his chair and gave her a smile. Kagome gave a sheepish smile as she stopped a few feet from him.

"You really didn't need to spend money on me" Kagome muttered a blush still on her cheeks. She wasn't going to bring up how he knew her sizes or where he got her clothes from.

She was embarrassed enough...that could wait...on not be thought of again.

Charlie smiled giving a light laugh, "It isn't a problem. I am happy to be of service." He really didn't mind buying her the clothes. He had enough money from his job.

He made quite a bit because his job was dangerous, and he tended not to really spend his money either. He had quite a bit of money sitting in his bank because of this.

He had tried giving some to his parents, but they wouldn't hear of it. He gave up after trying for about half a year.

His family was stubborn and only took money they earned, not hand outs. It didn't mean he hadn't tried.

Though Charlie respected his parents for only taking money that was earned from hard work. It made him want to be like them in pride and how to take care of a family.

Something he did want someday.

Shaking his head out of where his thoughts were going he looked at Kagome, "Don't worry about how about that breakfast I promised you."

Kagome nodded, "That sounds good...where did you have in mind." She was still a little cautious, it seemed like he was trying to make her comfortable.

Or woo her.

Something like that.

Charlie gave her a smirk, and took her hand in his and gave the tips of her fingers a kiss and winked as he said, "That is going to be a surprise." He wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her body to his and then disappeared in a loud pop.

Kagome could only hope the day went alright...

Avery gave a small curse as she through the vial at the wall. Her plan didn't went as she intended it too.

It was all foiled because of a stupid red haired Weasley!

She wasn't suppose to run into someone. Avery thought her plan would have been perfect! She had slipped the potion into her water...but it didn't have the full effects on the girl like she had seen on other people.

Avery couldn't find out why it didn't affect the stupid chit. She had taken her time to befriend the girl at work, and the stupid plan didn't work.

"Now what am I suppose to do." Avery muttered to herself as she bit her lip. Kagome would know she had put something in her drink now.

'Damn damn damn' She thought, as she started to pace her bedroom. She needed to think up another plan.

The plan though...she didn't have one.

But she needed one...and fast.

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