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Love POV

"You are going to have to swim from here."
One off Rico men said parking the boat a 100 meters away from Leo's house.

"You are kidding right?"
I said looking at him in disbelief.

"I'm dead serious."
He said handing me a life jacket.

"You got to be fucking kidding me,"
I said trowing the life jacket back to him jumping off the boat.
A gasped escape my lips as I surfaced, the water was ice cold.
"Fuck my life."
I said taking a deep breath before starting my swim towards Leo's house.

"I said taking a deep breath before starting my swim towards Leo's house

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Two hours later

"Sorry son but as much as I try Rico didn't want to negotiate, she is probably dead as speak."
"Call off our men."
My father said on video call.

"Bullshit she is not dead, you can't just assume that,
We need to find where Rico has her,"
"I'm not giving up until I get her back."
I shouted back to my father on the phone.

"We'll do in on your own not with my men,"
"And you better watch your mouth boy,"
"Know your place, no one talks to me that way."
"As I told you before there is nothing more I can do and I am not going to cause a war right know with Rico Bares because off a woman, so get over it."
He said before hanging up the phone.
I watch as the men I ordered to help me get Love back from Rico got into their car driving off leaving Harrison and I standing there on the dock.

"I guess it's just you and I."
I said looking at Harrison as he nodded,
I let out out a sigh off frustration jumping into the boat followed by him,
I looked at my phone seeing a message from my grandfather Leo saying to come back home immediately.
if my father won't help me I'm sure my grandfather Leo will, he likes Love.
And I'm sure he has some connections here in Italy.
I drove across the waters in full speed reaching the house in no time.
I got out off the boat watching as Harrison got out securing the boat to the dock.
He had been quite for awhile now probably waiting on my outburst.

"Tell again Harrison how did Love manage to get kidnapped under your supervision?"
I said making his eyes widen.

"As I told you before, she insisted on going to the bakery on her own."
He said looking at me worried, he looked like literal shit, his hair and clothes was a mess I'm sure he probably ran trough the entire town a hundred times looking for her before calling me.

"And you allowed her to leave without you when I specifically said not to let her leave you sight."
I said putting my hand on my gun.

"It's Love, she is stubborn, she always manages to get things her way, even with you Isaac."
"You can't say no to her."
He said looking down at the gun.

Forbidden Love -  prequel to Te AmoWhere stories live. Discover now