Chapter (9) What Are You Hiding From Us

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When we were both done hands wash and everything. I persuaded Jen to wait by the stairs while I check on that light.

I can't help myself, I'm not going to sit and wait. Letting some, stranger determine my fate. Besides he not boss of me, us.

It best to find out information about our occupation. Like who else Hiding out here?
Why this house wasn't touch, yet? Why the attitude.

Seeking across the long wooden dark hallway my feet moved, until I was right outside the door. I push lightly on the door swinging it open a tad. Peeking in I saw the back of the bo, sorry teen sitting by the covered window.

He seems to be writing something, fast on what looks to be a large brown color book. At a large desk.

I glazed my eyes around the room, I gasped in horror, hands running to my mouth. So quickly I wasn't caught yet.

There were red writing all over but, not on paper. It was on the walls. I now was positive it was from a marker.

But what was written was entirely different from what we first saw. These were unique in a strange way why? because I couldn't understand what or why it was like that.

That was until I read it fully.

(when darkness falls they come to crawl.
To pick up one by one the lost.
They come by two by three by four.
Until they standing outside your door.
If they hear or see you try to sneak.
They will grind you up, in their teeth.
But by making sure you hide away until the night turns to day.
Is the only way to ensure you are or will be safe).

"yes, I sure you have already pick this up by now the teen said noticing my present glaring at me".

"oh, ah yeah I, know I said not making eye contact rubbing my arms. Feeling embarrassed and unset for getting caught.

" and I told both of you not to come up here" the teen said not sounded to upset about it. As he turns back around to finish what he was doing.

"you forgot to inform us that there is NO bathroom downstairs" I answered a little cranky like, I guess I was still kind of tired.

I received no further response so I stepped fully into the small room. Now that I gotten a closer inspection I noticed the lamp wasn't that bright not like how I interpreted out in the hallway.

The room was small enough for one medium size bed an a dresser with a small table by the window the teen was sitting at.

"can I at least know your name I sure you don't want me to call you. Kid or teen (outloud) and I tell you ours how that sounds, fair deal.

"I have no problem with that idea he replied sarcastically still focusing on what he was doing.

"you really going to be like that is it so hard to just say your first name. I mean does this look like the kind of place I can use it for evil deeds.

His hands stop suddenly. "if I tell you would you leave me be he answered softly.

Of course I wouldn't I need more info about this world that we don't know of already. He already not eager to tell us and we have one night here It best to annoy it out of him. but I kinda still tired and Jen waiting on me.

so I have to be the bigger man an decline this one information, for now. Besides we have a long day ahead of us having to look for shelter before tomorrow night.

"okay fine, so what is it? I said eyebrows rise.

" it's, Kevin maxford.

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