Chapter Five

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ALEX LAID IN bed that night. Her eyes closed and her breathing slow and steady. She was fast asleep until she heard a faint creak above her. The room she was sleeping in was cozy. The walls are painted a soft, yet warm gray. There's a window to her right that overlooks the front yard, it's cracked open, and a cool breeze is let in.

Alex stirred in her bed, the creak echoing in her ears. Her eyes flickered open, and she stared into the dark room, trying to decide if she had imagined the sound. She stayed like that for a few minutes, listening to the silence of the house, until another creak broke the stillness.

       She finally gains the courage to get up and take a look. She slowly but surely made her way over to the window, looking outside, left to right. Nothing. She then walked over to the door, opened it as quietly as possible and glanced in the hallway. Thinking it was safe enough to walk out, she walks towards the downstairs and into the kitchen. But before she can make it down, she bumps into Scott on the way.

    As the two accidentally brushed shoulders, Scott's hand reached out to steady Alex, his fingers lightly grazing her arm. "What are you doing up? Are you okay?" He asks, concern hovering over his voice.

   Alex nods, "I, uh, heard a noise, and I wanted to see if everything was okay."

     "You heard that too? It sounded like it came from the roof. I had to come check it out, and make sure you were okay," Scott smiles sheepishly. His hand was still resting on Alex's arm. There's a beat of silence, where neither of them speaks, and they're just standing there, close enough to feel each other's breath. The air between them is charged, and both of them can very much feel the tension building.

"Anyway, I'm just gonna head back to my room. Maybe close my window," Alex chuckles, her heart is still racing from Scotts touch. He nods and heads back to his own room, but not before looking back at Alex before closing his door.

When Alex enters her room she's met with a tall figure sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Holy hell, Derek! You can't just sneak in here like that!"

"We need to talk," Derek wastes no time to explain how her brother reached out on a walkie talkie. Apparently he rewatched the show and figured out some way to communicate. He used the logic that Stiles did when he was trapped with the Ghost Riders.

"Caleb? You're sure?"

"He gave a very in depth life story about you. I'd say it was him alright. And he was pissed."

Caleb's name hung in the air between them, like a heavy weight pulling down on the atmosphere of the room. Alex could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and she wasn't sure if she could quite believe Derek just yet. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, not knowing where to put her hands.

He meets Alex's gaze, noting the tears that glistened in her eyes. He listened intently to the sound of her heartbeat, noticing how it slowed. He could see the conflict in her face, the uncertainty that tugged at her features. "Did he tell you anything else? Like, why he's coming here now?"

"I'm not sure if I should tell you."

"You're being extremely cagey right now, and I seriously don't appreciate that. If you're not going to tell me, then just say that. Don't string me along with vague hints," Alex's voice was low and tight, as if she were barely keeping herself from shouting, and from waking up Scott and Melissa.

She spoke each word slowly and deliberately, like a bomb about to go off.

"Listen, Alex. I'm not trying to be difficult here, I'm trying to explain to you why I'm being cautious about telling you about Caleb. Can we talk like we're civil adults here?"

"I'm trying to be civil with you, Derek. But, you're talking about my family. You may not have anyone else left besides Peter, but I do. And frankly? I'd like to keep it that way."

"Look, I'm trying to be responsible, not just for your sake but for mine too. I know it's not my place to tell you how to handle your family, but we have to tread carefully. You need to understand that."

Alex's shoulders visibly relaxed, and her posture softened. A small smile played across her lips, but the worry lines on her forehead didn't quite fade away. She looked relieved, but her brow still betrayed a hint of hesitation.

"I appreciate your concern, Derek. But, this is my family, like I've said a thousand times. Can you learn to respect that?" She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his reply.

"Fine. But listen, what I'm about to tell you? Beacon Hills hasn't had anything like this since Scott turned into a werewolf."


"Caleb mentioned your parents. Connor and Tiffany? They've also somehow traveled to a different reality. He said last night they went to bed watching some documentary, and when he woke up this morning, they were gone."


"Yes. Now you know why I was so hesitant to tell you.''

"What do we do now?"

"We figure out a plan. That's what we do."

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