Found!? Pt18

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TW: suicidal thoughts

Aled's POV :

We have bee Looking around the park for about 30 minutes but I'm not giving up though.

Darcy hasn't said a word since we left nicks,all I can hear is sniffles every now and then.we look around a bit more to be honest it's really creepy walking around a park at night who knows what could be lurking behind those trees, I guess that's why Nick told us to stay together.well Nick we are.

"Why would she do that!" Darcy says with tears in his eyes I haven't really seen her cry before she kinda pushes her emotions away around her friends, I was brought out of my thoughts by darcy again.

"Why ,just why would she b-break up with me!?" She says between sobs " Darcy, maybe she just needs some time to think about things " she just nods and continues crying,I really don't know why Tara did that but it's not my place to ask questions.

*Time skip*

It's probably been an hour or so of searching now but I'm not going to stop until I find my best friend ,well maybe."Aled d-did you hear that !?" She seems panicked "no?" We just carry on with our mission and that's when I hear it rustle me and Darcy look at each other ,eyes filled with fear rustle  we stand still and just stare at the clan of trees behind us it's not windy so why would the leaves be moving unless! Crack 'run' darcy whispers I'm not taking any chances so I do as she says ,the rustling gets louder until we hear footsteps'fuck!' "RUN DARCY RUN!" She's a bit behind me which I'm surprised by normally I'm the slow one "AHHHH!" I hear Darcy screaming that's when I look back.

There's a man a grown ass man chasing us innocent teens,well innocent Darcy not so much.

We get to the park gate and practically fly out and onto the main road I'm not stopping.

*another time skip because my hand hurts*

We are at Charlie's front door i knock but I really don't have the energy so Darcy rings the doorbell "oh dear's what happened !?" "W-we" I think sarah could tell we were out of breath "just come in."

Tao's POV:

I kinda gave up and I'm now just sitting with my back against the wall of a shop, Elles mad because I'm not looking "but Elle I'm tired " she looks at me with frustration "well don't you think your best friend is also tired , TAO Xu!" I just groan in response because she's right.

Elle's POV:

Tao's pissing me off like yeah I know he's tired but so am I and we need to find Charlie, but yet he's nowhere to be seen i just throw myself down next to Tao "I'm sorry " he just hugs me.

*time skip*

We've been here a few minutes and I can hear snoring I look up to see fast asleep Tao his mouth slightly open, this makes me chuckle and I text the group.

22:56)guys we have to go, *pic of Tao *.

Nick22:58) it's okay 


Nick23:01)it's okay Elle 

I do feel bad for leaving him to look for Charlie but you can blame it on Tao,I need to get him home but he told me he was staying at Darcy's place so I guess I'm gonna have to sneak Tao into my house if dad finds out I am DEAD!.

Charlie's POV:

What the fuck am I doing where the heck am I  I'm so stupid I need Nick but I don't want to go to him I can't,he's probably so angry with me and wants to break up with me I won't be surprised.

I don't know where I am when I left the park I just ran I don't know where , I just ran.oh god I'm near nicks a part of me wants to knock on his door and jump into his arms but the other half is telling me not to and that he hates me . I just walk into the park behind nicks it's dark now really dark and im exhausted and overwhelmed i just want to sleep I want to sleep forever.

I slump my self onto the park bench and I bring my head into my knees as I hug them, i just cry and cry I'm fucking pathetic I shouldn't deserve Nick ,Tori or my friends and family they help me so much I'm still like this I don't deserve to live I deserve pain and suffer . "Charlie?!".

I hear something talking but I have no energy to look up and I guess they didn't like my answer.

Nick's POV:

I've been looking for Charlie everywhere i just want to be with Charlie maybe he doesn't want to be near me does he want to break up with me!? I know i shouldn't be worried but I am what if he's done something what if he's ! No I can't I just can't think like that.

I decide to take a little break in mine and Charlie's favourite park the one behind my house.I walk through the gate and pass the family of trees until I hear someone crying , the crying sounds familiar.I look to see a crying dark curly haired boy with his face in his's Charlie!.

879 words 

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