7|the diary

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i woke up with someone tapping on my shoulder

it was gavi

"you are free?"

"yes but i had to pay like 100 euros like what"

"that's what you get from driving without a liscense"

"okay fine i won't anymore"

"are you okay?"

"yes yes just worried about her"

"ohhh yes, how is she?"

"i don't know yet"

i didn't want to tell anything to Gavi

i don't know if i'm even suppose to know that because technically i lied to the doctor about me being her boyfriend while i'm just a football player she hates

and yes i knew about that because last night i got back her bag with me and read like one page in her diary

and then i closed it and put the bag back in the car because i knew what i'm doing was wrong

but what was written made me want to read the rest

how could someone feel all of this

this wasn't even the first page i just opened a random page and that's what popped

diary #1

July 19 2020

i'm devastated obviously, he broke up with me, and why?, because he thinks i'm a bad girlfriend for some reason and i don't give him exactly what he wants, i don't know what to say this is the first time i have nothing to write about, it's just that he thought i'm a bad girlfriend because i'm just not ready to do so yet, he then manipulated me, threw me to the wall were my head hurts so bad, and he kept hitting me, then there was a knife, yes yes a knife, he cut my hand with it, and now it left a mark, i have nothing to say, i want to kill myself right now, i hate football players

without reading the rest i know what this girl's life has been

abusive boyfriend check

bad parents check

hates football players check

scare from a knife cut check

semicolon tattoo check

i noticed the tattoo while us being in the club before everything that happened but i didn't want to talk to her about it, because i know how sensitive this topic can be to her, and after reading all of this, i can't just talk to her about any of this

all i have to do right now is to make her happy

so she cannot commute suicide

then after a lot of thinking and blacking out

just her being in my mind i saw the doctor coming towards me

"you can visit her now mr gonzalez"

"will she get out today?"

"yes we just need to run some tests and then she'll leave but i'll need you before she leaves"

"okay i'm staying anyways i won't leave her"

"she is lucky to have you"

"thank you doctor"

i'm lying but my heart isn't

i went inside and saw her sleeping

i slowly got in and took a seat next to her

sat on the chair and kept looking at her admiring her beauty

how can this beautiful girl go through all of this how??

"i know you are staring"

"how did you know"

"i can feel it"

"how tho?"

she then opened her eyes

her blue eyes, they looked so drained

"i heard someone coming in and i immediately smelled your perfume i knew it was yours, so i immediately knew it was you"

"you know the smell"

"yes wasn't i with you not long ago"

"it's the next day but okay "

"still i can remember it"

"will never wear except it then"

"yes please"

"how are you feeling?"

"better i guess"

"you are okay?"

"yes yes i'm fine"

"what happened i wasn't there when all this happened and gavi took you"

"gavi did what?"

"you don't know?"

"all i can remember is after everything i blacked out and fainted"



"what happened"

"long story i'll tell you when we get out"

"are you sure you are okay??"

"yes yes i am no need to worry about me"

i know she is not okay, but i won't force her to talk about those things with me

it's still her choice to open up it's not something i should be involved in

she hates footballers too so i'm just too scared to ask her

then i saw none other than gavi getting in the room

and going straight to Blaire and hugging her making sure she is okay

she gave him a death stare before him doing that and after he hugged her she just gave a little smile

hopefully it's fake

"you okay now?"

"yes yes i'm fine"


"and thank u for finding me and taking me here"

"least thing i could do"

"so i'll go to the doctor and come back"

"okay be fast"


i left them back there to go to the doctor since he said he needed to see me

"mr gonzalez"

"yes doctor"

"we checked her reports and everything and she seems to have a really bad past"

"what's wrong doctor"

"i'm sorry to inform you that but..."



end of chapter 7🫶🏻

this is so shitty and rushed but wanted to update

my finals are in 16 days...

love you all guys


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