It's You!

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My heart could not take it any longer. I knew it had been less than two hours since we saw each other, but I yearned to run to Ethan's arms. The way Marina rumbled inside me, it was clear she wanted to run toward Savage, too. We were connected in ways not even the fated mates would have been.

The way he looked in that outfit, with his hair combed neatly to the back made him look like royalty. He sure was not my handsome hooded thief, but he was still pulling me in.

His eyes were set on me, as if making sure I was okay. With a soft smile, I assured him so, but as I tried to reach for him, he raised his hand slightly, shaking his head as a warning. We needed to be discreet, that much I caught with just that move.

"What do you mean, you won't marry into the alliance?" I heard Alpha Russo scream, pulling me away from the trance I found myself in, the anger he was feeling was close to giving him a heart attack.

"Like I said, Father. I can't marry someone I don't know, nor even love. If you want to disown me for such impertinence, do so. I found my own way, without you or our pack."

"So you prefer to go rogue, instead of doing your duty to your pack."

"No. I prefer it to do my duty to you. With all due respect to Alpha Belmonte, you and him, with your selfishness, would prefer to sell your children to a marriage neither of them want, just to feel stronger and powerful. That won't work with me."

It made my heart soar to know the future Alpha of Demon Shadow would not want to go through with this farce. And even if he did, I was already claimed by another. The same roguish man that was standing just a few feet from me, looking around the room as if he wanted to burn this place down with everyone in it.

"Wait a minute," Dad said, interrupting this conversation. "You brought the son of the man I despised for long to my own home?"

Luca took a deep breath and nodded. "I apologize, Alpha. But he is my friend, and as I said, I needed him here for support. He plays a big piece in this chess game, and I'm sure you won't want to kick him out right now."

I wondered if saying his name would complicate things, as I had mentioned it in front of them. There couldn't be any coincidence as to two men having the same name in the same place. My nerves were getting the best of me, and I hoped to God that this didn't turn into chaos.

"You will marry Miss Belmonte, even if it's the last thing I'll force you to do, my son. Your duty as the Alpha is to watch over your pack, to have a Luna, and to produce an heir. You will not ruin this for us!"

"It's already done, Father. Now, shall we have dinner? It smells quite delicious."

"It's him!" Dad shouted suddenly, pointing at the men as he walked around the table, approaching them with loud, angry steps. "You are that hooded thief from that night!"

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Alpha Belmonte. I am simply a good friend, wanting to be the middleman in this bad news for you." I could hear the mocking tone in his voice, and it almost made me giggle. If there was something my father hated, it was having a younger wolf make fun of him. He didn't appreciate being made a fool in front of anymore. He was bound to lose respect from those below him.

"I know you are him, but very well, come in and join us. It's better to have our friends close, but our enemies closer. I'm sure Ezekiel, who is the Alpha of Hollow Growlers won't appreciate you being an imposter."

"I'm sure my uncle doesn't have to know. But by all means, tell him. It's not like I give a damn."

Luca laughed wholeheartedly, patting Ethan's back as they both made their way toward the table. I was already starting to like him. There was an air of freedom and easiness in him. He could make a good leader, his kindness was clear in his eyes.

"You can take my daughter to the dungeon. We're done with her for now."

"No," Ethan said, waving his finger at me to urge me to get closer to him. "I want her sitting with me, if that's okay with you. Since Luca doesn't seem to want her, I can always make a deal with you, Belmonte. We can form our own alliance."

"The hell we will! I know you're that thief, and you won't convince me otherwise."

"What proof do you have, Valentino?" Luca asked, referring to my father by his own name, something else he hated. Only his close friends could call him that. He demanded respect from the younger ones, and the pair was not giving him an ounce of it.

Good for them. It was time he learned a lesson, and that not everyone will do his bidding. Alpha or not.

"I don't need proof. I can feel it, and what a coincidence that he has the same name as that scoundrel." He looked at me, baring his teeth threateningly.

"Whatever you think this is, I assure you, it's not. My name is very common amongst the people. Now, may I have the pleasure of her company at the table?" Ethan asked. Dad, knowing he had no other choice, nodded, urging everyone to join him.

To say the conversation between everyone was awkward was an understatement, but with Ethan by my side, I could only focus on him. Might as well, as I didn't want to be part of whatever they were discussing. My eyes were only on my mate.

Not even Nicola's shouts toward his son, demanding a clearer explanation, deterred me. It was just us in our own little bubble.

"I knew you would come, but I didn't know it would be this quick," I whispered, holding his hand under the table, feeling him squeeze mine as if wanting to give me that comfort I yearned for always.

"I was not going to leave you here for too long. The boys are down at the dungeon. They're trying to get your Beta out of there. That is if that warlock is not there."

"I'm sure he's not. Rubeus spends most of his time in the woods, doing God knows what."

As if on cue, the devil walked through the doors, sauntering with a cocky smile on his face. At least Ethan's men would be able to do their job without him being in the way. I didn't want anything or anyone keeping them from saving Lozano.

"Good morning, Alpha. I come bearing some news." He stood by my father's side, leaning close to his ear, whispering something. And that something was not good, when he rushed off his chair, knocking it over and pointing at Ethan again.

"I knew it was you! That evil hooded thief. And I am sure you're the one that just burned our inn down to the ground with innocent people inside. You, with your sorcery, are a monster like your mother!"

"How dare you talk about my mother!" Ethan growled as he stood up from his chair, taking menacing steps toward my father. The doors slammed open, and the warriors guarding the door were knocked off their feet, unconscious on the floor.

His men, along with Lozano, barged in, and I knew chaos would ensue.

But I couldn't experience much of it, when out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain behind my head and a trickle of blood ran down my temple before the world had turned dark for me once again. 

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