Oscar Darien

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"What's the name of the game?"

Basic Info

Oscar John Darien


Aka Oscar Quill (a writer's pseudonym)


"But...that's not allowed! You can't just infiltrate my feelings like this!"

Background Info

He was born in North Tipperary, Ireland, but grew up in Sussex, in the east of England. His mother, Andria, died when he was born, which led to a rocky relationship with his father, Jack. Moving out when he was 16, he searched the streets looking for work and found solace in writing. Eventually, he set up shop in a small apartment just south of London, and by 19 had two published novellas.

He owns a publishing company, and is particularly well off, but not too much as to be a target for thieves. He now also lives in a country house by the coast that has a large garden.

"Don't judge me, okay? It's not my fault that he was an angel."

Personality & Traits

He enjoys the company of many, but does not flock to it like most gentlemen of his time. He prefers the quiet life, and staying at home in the company of one or two. A hopeless romantic, he's quite the flirt, but is mostly reserved when it comes to love. When meeting him, he could come across stone-cold and coarse, but he really is a sweetheart. He is coiffed and composed, stoic and perfectly poised all of the time. Very rarely is he seen being laid back in public, but in private he's the most informal person one could know.

He has a strange aversion to open water, and adores nature in all of its many forms. He's good with a pencil and enjoys drawing everything he sees. He also adores rain.

He hates when people shout, and gets angry very easily. He also dislikes his father and nighttime.

"It's raining. And only you have an umbrella. How cliché."


He has flaming red hair, with chestnut streaks. It is only grown to the base of his neck, and is cut slightly roughy, as he does it himself. It is usually parted in the middle.

He has striking green eyes, with small flecks of yellow and brown nearer the centre of his iris. He also wears circular spectacles.

He has ivory-coloured skin, with freckles covering almost every inch of his body. He doesn't have the leanest of builds, but he isn't overweight either. He's sort of in the middle. His shoulders are quite broad.

He is relatively tall, at around 5'8, and has quite long legs.

"I am very much aware that I am dressed like a fop."

General Outfit

He usually wears clothes that are in shades of red or brown. He's usually seen in a maroon frock-coat, with a white pressed shirt and tie, and black or brown dress trousers. He also wears gloves in all seasons for a reason he refuses to reveal.

"Please...no more!"

Other bits

He's afraid of water and storms, but only when he's alone.

He can dance exceptionally well, but only when he's drunk, for some reason.

When being kissed, he freezes up completely and does not move for several minutes, this is a trauma response.

He's extraordinarily clumsy.

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