"Please don't leave me like this, master~" || Merciless x male!reader

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Idea where Y/N is a day operative and Merciless is desperate after sucking Y/N's gun off, don't ask I just thought of the concept randomly, but don't worry they both into it ;-; ... I think I'm either dying or on drugs... idek anymore tbh :/

Request: no one, please give requests if have any, check requests page for details

Type: Smut/sex/lemon, basically this is very horny and probably horribly written like everything I write. Also this is my first smut on a public forum, so it probably won't be good anyways. 🤷‍♀️

Kinks: Degradation kink, praise kink, size kink

Contains: Begging, multiple orgasms, slut shaming, public sex, and they almost get caught by Great and Dynamic

Y/N was walking around the outskirts of the days city, he was on patrol making sure none of the nights tried to get into the city. As Y/N was walking past a certain spot he could hear rustling in the bushes. Y/N snuck up to the spot and found that it was none other than Merciless_night, Y/N smirking at the sight of the night operative.

"Well, well look what we have here~" Y/N said in a flirtatious tone, making Merciless look behind him in shock. Merciless wasn't able to say anything for he was knocked onto the ground with a gun to his head.

"What the hell, day?!" Merciless yelled, cursing himself out in his head for getting caught. The gun on Merciless's head was making him feel things that he probably shouldn't be feeling anyway.

"Shh~" Y/N put his gun in the other's mouth just to shut him up, he didn't want him being loud just yet. The look on Merciless's face being absolutely priceless to Y/N. Merciless grabbed ahold of the gun in his mouth, trying to pry it out. Y/N grabbed ahold of one of Merciless's hands, slowly pulling the hand away from the nose of the weapon.

"Now, now you can't do that..." Y/N had an odd aloof tone to his voice as he tightened his grip on Merciless's hand. Y/N could've sworn he heard the other whimper. Merciless gagged as the gun was forced further down his throat, all his complaints being muffled by the huge gun in his mouth.

"Now suck it, night~" Y/N said with a dark tone and a wink, making Merciless's eyes widen in shock. Merciless realized he probably had no choice but to just suck. As Merciless began to comply with Y/N's order, he began to grow fond of the feeling and even started craving something more.

"Alright, that's enough, night." Y/N stated as he pulled his gun out of Merciless's mouth, saliva connecting Merciless's mouth with the weapon. Merciless whimpering slightly in response to the removal of the weapon from his mouth. Y/N looked down to Merciless's beat red face, a smirk growing on his own.

"Such a pretty whore~" Y/N stated, experimenting with his new found power over Merciless. Y/N, figuring his work was done, got up and started to leave. Y/N stopped as he felt something grab onto his leg, he looked down only to see Merciless.

"Please don't leave me like this, master~" Merciless practically begged, looking up at Y/N with a begging look in his eyes. Y/N wasn't expecting Merciless to actually beg him for sex, the other never really showed weakness especially around day operatives. Y/N smirked,

"You really are a whore, aren't you, night...~?"
Y/N stated darkly, the last part was meant to kinda make fun of Merciless. The way Merciless whimpered at the word made Y/N jump slightly in his pants. Merciless just looked out of it, there was no doubt that he wanted this. Y/N smirked at the realization, he never thought that he could have so much power over another, especially Merciless. Y/N laughed a bit, tightening his grip on Merciless's hair.

"If you can suck me off as good as you did my gun, you might just have another job~" Y/N stated with a smirk. It took a bit for that to register for Merciless, his face turning redder than it already was when he did, which was probably impossible but who cares.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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