beach date HEHE

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Cody had just got the best invataion. A date from his new boyfriend. (ale ooooooo faggggg) He was extremely happy a wide grin on his face.

"what do i wear" he thought to himself he wasnt sure to dress casual or over dress.. He decided on some slightly baggy jeans and a long sleeved black shirt with a white baggy jacket on top.

The short boy checked his phone "7:50 crap im gonna be late!" he exclaimed in his head rushing for the door and running out it.

hehe when he gets there cuz im lazy and can't write! ^u^

When he arrived at the beach he saw him, Alejandro. The shorter male ran over to the taller with a smile on his face and hugged him. "Hey al!"

The taller smiled warmly hugging back tightly. Though he doesnt like getting called al he allows it and ruffles the smaller boys hair.

"Lets go to the water" The tan male said holding onto codys hand leading him closer to the shore. They walked to the ocean and sat both smiling at it. "its beautiful. huh?"

The smaller nods shuffling closer to the spanish man. He took his finger and traced a heart with it, He wrote two initals together "A+C"

Al smiled and wrapped his arm around codys shoulder before kissing his forehead. "i love you, mi ángel"

Cody gave him a toothy grin. "i love you too al"

and then they lived happily ever after!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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