Story 1

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You and Dallas have been dating for a while now, so you weren't surprised when you got a call from the police station saying he was in jail again. You sighed, took some money out of your savings, and ran off to bail him out.

This was already the third time this week that you had to go down there. But it was okay, you were used to his stunts. As you made it to the station, you calmed yourself and then walked in. 

"Hello y/n, are you here to bail Dallas Winston out, if I'm correct?" the lady at the front desk asked.

You sighed and nodded, "How much is it this time?" 

"Looks like here he's been caught with stealing and property damage. That will be $650."

You paid the money sadly, watching your hard earned cash be used in such a wasteful manner. You stood there waiting for them to bring out Dallas.

Soon enough, you saw him in handcuffs, walking towards you with a happy grin on his face. You knew that he knew you would bail him out, and you were a little more than a bit angry when you saw him smiling like that. It's like he doesn't care that you're wasting your money on him. But that's okay, because everything was going to change today.

As the police officer freed him from the handcuffs, you walked out of the police station quickly, avoiding eye contact. His smiled faded and he started jogging to catch up.

"Hey! Where're you goin', doll?" he asked as he matched your pace.

"Home." was all you said before you speed walked away.

Dallas was confused, you had never treated him this way. Up until now all you told him was to not do it again. He wasn't accustomed to your hostility.

Before you got too far away, he grabbed your wrist, pulling you to face him.

"What's wrong, doll?" he asked, with a worried expression.

You hated to see Dallas this way, and you almost gave into your feelings, but you persevered. You shook your head and tried to escape his grip, but he just tightened it. Man, was he strong. So you tried a different strategy. You relaxed your arm, and he loosened his hold on you. This was your chance. Before he knew it, you were gone, running away, and all he held in his hand was air.

Tears fell down your cheeks as you tried to keep your sobs quiet, you didn't want Dallas to think you were too soft to stay mad. But you forgot one thing: he was quicker than you. Within a minute, he caught up to you and grabbed you by your waist, pulling you into him.

You were shocked for a second by the sudden contact but soon you were trying to escape again.

He took one look at your tear stained cheeks and knew something was wrong.

"Let me go!" you shout, trying to wriggle away from his grip.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," he said, tear welling up in his eyes too, but none fell.

"It's nothing!" you shouted.

"It doesn't look like nothing!" he yelled back.

You flinched, remembering when your father used to scream at you, even for your tiniest mistakes. Dallas saw your flinch and his expression suddenly softened.

"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you. Please just tell me what's wrong."

You looked up at him, seeing him starting to cry too. You hated seeing him like this. You lowered you voice and said, "Sorry Dally, I was just a bit frustrated because I always spend my savings on bailing you out, and I'm trying to save for our future together..."

Tears started to fall from Dallas's eyes as he understood that you still loved him. He never cried, but he was now, because he loved you.

"You don't need to apologize, I do. I'm so sorry for getting you to bail me out every time, I'll try to stop my acts, just please stop crying." 

You looked into his chocolate brown eyes and you knew he meant it. You smiled a little, and he did too. 

"Why don't we just go home, watch a movie, and cuddle?" you asked.

Dallas knew you forgave him, and he nodded, "Sure."

The two of you walked home together and did just that. And Dallas kept his promise. Of course, he's not perfect, he's only human; but he did only get arrested once every two weeks now. Obviously, each time you went and bailed him out. You were a little frustrated sometimes, but, hey, if it meant you could be with a wonderful man like Dallas Winston, maybe you could endure it for a few more years... 

(Who are you kidding, you could tolerate it for the rest of your life if you had to. You loved Dally, and you would travel to the moon and back for him. Anyways, based on your preference you got married and had children or whatever. Just imagine that later or maybe I'll write it, I don't know.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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