ben turns daddy

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Ben opened Misty's door after Strade took her to check on the one-armed girl. Misty was crying and holding a pillow as Ben walked over to her. "Hey, you okay?" Benny asked, sitting on the makeshift bed. Misty looked at her friend. "C-can you turn into my dad...?" she asked. Benny nodded and transformed into Misty's father, opening his arms. Ben looked exactly like Misty's dad except for his bright green eyes. Misty practically threw herself at Ben, hugging him tightly. Ben chuckled as he comforted Misty, saying, "It's gonna be okay, sweet pea...I promise." Misty sniffled and cried against the large man. It felt like hours had passed before their German captor walked in. Ben glared at him and told him to "get the fuck out," while sticking her arm out to grab the German man, throwing her upstairs and closing the door.

What up cunt suckers most of these characters and or people are gonna be from btd or tpof or any other names

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