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"Wassup Texas"Megan said to Asian reaching her arms out for a hug as she walked in the house. "Nothing just been living life" she said as the taller wrapped her arms around the young girl's petite body.
"I missed you." Megan told her picking her up out of nowhere.
"Megan! Don't drop me please!" Asian yelled wrapping her arms around the tallers neck. She then began to spin her around in circles as she held onto her. Coming to a stop Megan walked over to the couch still holding the smaller as she sat her down on her lap rubbing on her waist.
"I missed you too Megan." She mumbled feeling the older girls index finger travel up and down her stomach.
"So who is this murda nigga u call yo self dating hm?" She questioned bringing her hand up to the girls left boob running her long and slender fingers against the girls hardened nipple.
Asian felt her thong dampen and before she was about to part her lips to speak Megan quickly cut her off.
"You see I know everything that nigga did to you from putting her hands on you and from her just cheating on you a couple days ago too."
Asian gulped feeling her rate speed up afraid of what was going to happen next. Gripping her chin the tallers eyes traveled down to the girls plump and full lips "damn"was all she could say before she bringing her into a nasty sloppy kiss.
"Mmm" Asian moaned wrapping her legs around Megan as stood up making her way upstairs , still not breaking the kiss in between the two.



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