The Mysterious

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As I walked on the crunching leaves I heard a noise off in the distant wind.It sounded like the soft whisper of somebody calling my name. "Jenna.Jenna.Jenna," it cried.Then as soon as she had said "Who is there," the voice said "Come Jenna.Help us.We are in great danger."

"Who are you," Jenna said in hopes of an answer.

"Come to us and you will find out" it quietly whispered.

"Well if you won't tell me who you are then tell me where you are," she replied despratley trying to get an answer.

"Count to ten and walk forward with your eyes shut.Once you get to ten stop walking and open your eyes,"the whisper plesently said.

Once she had gotten to the end of her counting she opened her eyes and saw something extordinary yet mysterious.Jenna had dreams of a place like this before but was now in disbelief.There were three entrences.The first with its wonderfull scent of tropical flowers an the sight of beautiful creatures,that seemed to be unicorns, looked quite pleasant and relaxing.The second had seemed to be more of a jungle with beautiful and gentle tigers who's fur sparkled in what peaks of sunlight there where.Jenna looked at it like it was a place full of enchantment and adventure.The third was quite dark looking yet convincing at the same time.There were tall trees and streams running through wut seemed to be like a forest.The dark part was above the beauty of the forest.It was a grey cloud of ,well Jenna didn't even know what.It blocked the sunlight making an eerie look on the forest.

Just then the whisper came back,"Choose, but please child choose carefully for your dicsion will make your fate."

Hoping all this was a dream she turn it into a peaceful dream.She chose the first one in hopes it would give her a good "dream". While entering she felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted of her shoulders.She startled to feel a tingling through her body but not harmful tingling.It felt like,well,loveBut why, of all the things she could of felt, did it have to be love.

Little did she know her questions were just about to be answered.When she went to go pet a beautiful and silky unicorn she was amazed by what she had saw.The unicorn had transformed into a beautiful goddess in silky robe.

"Who are you......what are you?" Jenna asked

"Well I prefer to be thought of as a 'who' but people who don't believe think of us as 'whats'," the woman said

Jenna thought of how much her and this woman look alike.Same blonde hair,same naturally red lips, and eyes as blue as the the ocean.What this woman another Jenna.She had to find out.

"I am Aphrodite but please Jennifer call me Mom," said the woman.

"Ok how do you know my name because nobody calls me that and you are not my mother," said Jeniffer

"Oh but I am your mother and that's why we look so much alike.Can't you see it," asked Aphrodite.

"But I thought you had you had 14 kids," said Jenna still trying to get used to the fact that she was a demigod.

"We had to tell everyone that in fear that our future children would be in great danger.Just like other all the other demigods," said mother.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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