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Third P.O.V.


???: It was supposed to be a simple mission...

Our view opens to a grey and desolate land with grey clouds blotting out the sky, the sound of gunfire and explosions being heard in the distance. Suddenly, a grey figure zooms by the perspective from which we see the land, two other figures follow after it.

COM: Hounds now entering combat zone. Initiating phase 2.

The focus changes to shows the grey figure, now shown to be an AC, or Armored Core, using its thrusters to propel itself across the active battle zone. The AC in question is carrying a gatling gun with its right hand, while having a rocket launcher over its right shoulder and a shielding system over its left, and not to mention the pulse blade attached to its left wrist. The red light of its optic was shining bright through the smoke and gunpowder.

 The red light of its optic was shining bright through the smoke and gunpowder

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The two other figures, also ACs, were following not far behind the lead AC. They were of the same make, but they had different weapons attuned for them.

The lead AC jumps over a hill but then has to quickly boost away from an oncoming blue beam. The hill it had just jumped from was obliterated completely.

???: Go in, destroy a PCA position, then come home. But missions like these were never so simple...

One of the AC's open up a pair of missile pods on their back, firing a barrage of missiles. Unfortunately, the AC is quickly destroyed after unloading its payload by the same blue beam from earlier.

The missiles soar across the sky before landing and utterly destroying a wall obstructing the ACs path and the surrounding area.

COM: 619: Vital signs lost.

The remaining two ACs use their thrusters to take flight over the burning remnants of the wall, the lead AC briefly glances down at the destruction before landing. As soon as it lands, it has to deploy its shield to tank the oncoming shots of artillery coming its way. It takes a few hits before a stray shot hits the shield generator's arm, effectively taking it out and leaving the AC exposed. It's not long before more shots are fired and the AC loses its left arm, specifically where its pulse blade was located. The other AC takes point while the lead recovers for a moment before reengaging thrusters, the blue beam fires over head of them.

The perspective changes to show that of a holographic map, the map itself detailing the ongoing battle, while the sound of a helicopter's rotor blades is heard. We see the layout of said battle and various numbers from the map, these numbers pertaining to the ACs in the battle. The lead AC is labeled 617 while the other is 620. 619 is shown to have been the AC that was destroyed earlier, if the red x on its name wasn't made prominent.

The perspective changes again to the ACs, more specifically 617, showing their objective is in sight. A PCA cannon, the source of the blue beams. The end is in sight, but it is quickly overtaken when a PCA CATAPHRACT weapon bursts forth from the ground in front of 617. 617 barely has time to quickly lower the upper half of their AC while the CATAPHRACT weapon soars over them, barely scrapping the AC's back with one of its treads. The CATAPHRACT turns its head, its red optic staring menacingly at 617.

Off the Leash (Armored Core VI x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now