Chapter 1 : Home alone

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Olivia says outloud to herself after hearing the news: ugh are you kidding me! Mum and Dad are gone on a business trip for 3 days! What am I gonna do!?

Noah enters through the window.

Olivia: ahh! What are you doing!?

Noah: I overheard. I can help with some house chores whenever you need me to.

Olivia: This doesn't concern you! Get out of my house.

Noah: wait. Did you say 3 whole days? That's some pretty neat alone time😏

Olivia's head: ugh! If I just flash him hopefully he'll get flustered and leave...maybe never bother me again?...yeah imma do it!

Olivia lifts up her shirt and says, "You know you want it~".

Noah gets flustered but that doesn't stop him. He jumps at her.

Olivia: AHH! What are you doing!?

Noah kisses Olivia passionately

Noah: mmh~ Olivia...i knew it...i knew you always loved me!

Olivia: i-...mmh~...ahh~...t-this can't be happening.

Noah's drunken Mum shouts at him from afar. "NOAH GET HERE THIS INSTANT"

Noah: oh...i gtg-

He jumps out the window and rushes back to his house. Olivia keeps his eye on him till she cant see him anymore.

Olivia: UGHHH NOOOO!!! That didn't just happen did it!?

The next day

Olivia: ugh i should just skip school. Whats the point of going when neither of your parents care about grades.

Olivia skips school and just has fun at home. But while shes doing the dishes James wonders why shes not at school and enters the house.While Olivia is doing dishes and humming to herself James grabs her waist and lifts her shirt.

Olivia: ahh!~ who are y-

James lifted up her shirt and starts to pinch and play with her nipples.


James: Why isnt my girl at school today~?

Olivia: Ja-..mmhh... s-.stop~!

James squeezes harder

James: Stop with them dishes and talk to me~...

Olivia puts the dishes down, pushes James back and dries her hands.

James: Damn girl! You feisty~

Olivia blushes from embarrassment and explains why she isn't at school.

James: You're a naughty girl, not going to school...whats next? Drugs!?

Olivia: I-..I just didnt feel like it, okay!?

James: come here~

Olivia: N-no...i dont want to.

James pushes her against the wall and fingers her

James: Oh well...i already did it myself

Olivia's head: i said no but he's still i being raped right now?

James: *fingers faster*

Olivia tried to show dominance but it backfired. Her pussy gets wetter and wetter by the second.

Olivia: P-Pls~! more~

Olivia starts liking it..but she knew it was wrong...with her own neighbors!? She could never....but she did.

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