We're Sorry

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Inside the room were all the Avengers by the front. Sam and Rhodey were perfectly alright, but the rest? They've yet to have time to clean up. Scott was still an Oompa Loompa and needed a child booster seat to sit high enough by the table. Clint, Nat, Sam and Bucky were quiet and scowling. Steve tried to remain positive, Bruce, Rhodey, Pietro and Wanda next to him and similarly as peaceful. Pietro was the only one who had reason to be pissed but seeing all of the avengers together broke him into euphoria.

And for the first time everyone could see Tony. Oh Tony.

*Tony and Pepper's bedroom, that morning. Continued*

The note read:

'Morning Uncle Tony!

I thought about what you said last night and realised you were right. The Fieldtrip was unavoidable and you all were going to mess with me, so I thought I'd mess with you all first.

Don't worry, I won't stop you, you'll be freed in time. However, for however long you're awake till then, you're mine Stark. I'll give you about 25 minutes to get ready for the Q&A, but not without some extra surprises.

Maybe then you'll know better than to play with me like this. >:)

Love you. Peter'.

"FRIDAY! Free me!", Tony yells. "Sorry boss, but protocol Vengeance is in action". Tony sputters, "the fuck does that mean?". He could swear there was glee in her voice, "it means I'll remain unresponsive to any Avenger still in their bed, all override codes must come from Mr Parker, as well as what he described as 'a few specialised punishments' that I must enact on each of your rooms".

For Tony this proved a very confusing moment, he couldn't tell if he should be angry, scared, or impressed. "Which reminds me, its time for one of your punishments Boss". He had no clue what that meant, until the drums and electric guitar started blasting through the speakers.

Took him a couple of seconds till he realised it, realised who it was, "Fuck No, Dont tell me that's Led Zeppelin". FRIDAY dings from above, "well done Boss, guessed it in one", she congratulates, "Mr Parker programmed me to play Led Zeppelin's greatest hits on shuffled repeat till it's your time".

"No no no no NO!", Tony shouts but the music only gets louder, drowning out his pleas. And as planned, his TV screen lit up on a still picture of Peter with the caption next to it saying: "You've got nothing on me Tony. Admit it, I won".

Tony never would.


That held him back till about 12:30, giving him 25 minutes to get ready and run downstairs to be ready for the Q&A from 1 to 2. Due to the short notice, he didn't have time for caution, nor time to avoid Peter's "gifts".

First his suit. Peter might've hidden most of them and left a single bedazzled blazer. All in red and gold to match his style, but it made Tony look like a pimp. Worst still was the fact Peter also stole his shirts and cut the buttons out of the only remaining Scarlet button up Tony had in his closet. He let the pants be, he had bigger plans for that.

Tony's hair gel doubled as a temporary hair lightener, so the more time passed the more he looked like he had frosted tips, and Peter might've also snuck some glitter bombs by his door. So when Tony was ready and running downstairs, his hair, blazer and pants. Left him looking like a Tony Stark tribute act.

Teenagers couldn't stop looking or taking pictures, they were in awe. "Alright, I know the camera loves me but that's too much love", Tony shuts them up and gets them to drop their phones. He groans on mike, "now, if I hear any comment about how any of us looks this is over, are we clear?", everyone nods rapidly, "great, let's get this Q&A over with". Peter had snuck behind the back, though that didn't stop the avengers from seeing him and giving him the stink eye. They move through a couple traditional questions: motivation, coolest mission, powers, etc.

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