Science fiction : The mountain

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Science fiction : The mountain

We all undertake journeys to find our tryst with our destiny, and often with our wanderings, where the destination often resides in the paragon moments of self realisation. It is then we find ourselves standing in front of an endless mountain openly challenging our valour. More than teasing us by its stature that is glorious and tall, it intimidates us by its very presence. Because when we look at ourselves and compare our physical stature with that of this mountain, we indeed appear insignificant and minute. And out of nowhere a falcon appears in the sky and flies higher than the highest peak of the mountain. Few of us seek inspiration from the falcon and begin our ascent of the mountain, while most of us blame our evolution for not granting us wings like falcon, and choose to wait for evolution to work its magic to make us a winged race of men and women.

But we do not realise that if men and women had wings, then the Wright Brothers would never have developed an aeroplane that could fly higher and attain speeds much, much faster than the falcon.

Modern day planes fly so fast that they can travel faster than the speed of sound. So, there is no doubt that the Wright Brothers belonged to the category of men and women who always choose to move ahead with their ascent of the mountain that challenges them and also teases them. Because its peak kisses the clouds and its hardiness and sheer size is very much like a giant that keeps growing in size and strength. Nevertheless, Wright Brothers decided to not let evolution take charge, instead they applied their imagination and sought inspiration from the falcon, that flew over the mountain peak almost effortlessly.

With this motivation the Wright Brothers undertook a journey that would lead humanity to heights that exceeded that of clouds, and even the known limits of the blue sky.

Their courage and valiant determination inspired many of us to take their journey forward, this time setting even higher limits. To land among the stars, and then look at the mountain from above, that now would appear very small and tiny, lying there in complete piety and veneration of human determination. Inspired by the majestic flight of the falcon, many humans have tread on the trail left by the Wright Brothers and reached beyond the stars, to soon be the Martians or the residents of the red planet. Now that is what will amaze the mountain on Earth always, and force it to wonder forever about the real stature of humans, that is extremely defiant and defined by their minds and by their self respect and honour. Because without these ingredients, everything is a hoax, a cry into the oblivion where there is endless vacuum. Unfortunately a few of us still believe that our real audience lies there. But it is not true. There is nothing in the oblivion, it only offers permanent residence to nothingness and virtuousness that is of no use.

I think the Wright Brothers knew the parallax of reality that offers different views and representations based on one's position, both physical and mental. What makes me think so?

It is obvious. They developed their dream flying machine many times, and everytime it crashed and proved humans cannot leave the grip of gravity, and only birds have the evolutionary advantage to do so. The Wright Brothers worked with more intensity and did not give up, because from every crash they gained a better understanding of parallax of reality, and eventually one day, they tested their flying machine and reality was left with no option but to let the flying machine of Wright Brothers bear flight and encourage them, and through them the entire humanity. Also proving that evolution has gifted humans, one special gift that capacitates them to match, and gain superlative form of superiority over every gift offered to other living things on this planet.

And Wright Brothers made the best use of this gift. The gift of imagination, the gift to be daring and scale the highest peaks of mountains that scare us, that mock at us, that challenge us. But sometimes we all need a guide; a trail blazer, who prods our determination and courage to take the right course and thrust our flag of courage in the hearts of these tall and high mountains. The Wright Brothers did just that and inspired a generation of men and women to seek higher mountain peaks, so high that we are about to land on Mars now. And a mountain on Earth cannot grow that tall, even if it were a mountain growing a foot every month. But we also must not forget the contribution made by the falcon, because without it, we perhaps would never have known that it takes wings to fly. And who has seen angels or fairies. As long as we are willing to observe and look around, we will always find a falcon-like motivation to tell us that it takes wings to fly.

And those who still want to wait for the angels and fairies, the base of the mountain is not going anywhere, and so is not the peak of the mountain going anywhere either. But the distance between them is what matters and few of us dare to scale it and challenge it as well. And those of us who prefer to stay at the base and wait for angels and fairies, here is an opportunity for them too. The aeroplane always lands at the base and never at the peak, so it is evolution offering them a chance to realise that sometimes boarding the flight and not waiting for evolution to do the job, is the best option and the only way out. Now it is upto them, whether or not they want to board the flight and fly above the peaks and reach for the stars along with the men and women who dared to climb the peak. Because glory is for all to share, even for those who sometimes prefer to wait at the base of the mountain, because waiting too demands courage, at times a lot of courage.

But there are many who would qualify as nonconformists when it comes to this belief and this approach to scientific thinking. Because they believe in the parallax of reality that is of a different kind. For them the base can be a peak and a peak can be a base as well. It all depends on where you are and how you are looking at things. However, while it has some validity, this belief is smashed completely when one brings the sky into perspective.

Because the peak, which according to a few is the base, especially when one looks from this peak at the real base of the mountain, the base would appear to be a peak as well, because it is far and distant, but then where is the sky if it is the peak?

So, it is important that while examining the parallax of reality one takes into consideration all facts that create the original dimensions of reality and then assess the parallax of reality. Without it, one would tend to enter an endless array of realities, where the real dimension of reality will always be involved in a masquerading act. Almost an illusion that can never be caught in the actual dimension of reality. A loud shout into the oblivion from where only silence will return, because oblivion has no bottom, it is where eternity sinks too and keeps sinking forever. And those who want to ascend the peaks of mountains of life, they should avoid being victims of the expectation that oblivion returns echoes. Which it never does!

In the matinee of reality, the show is always about facts and objectives, and in maintaining this tradition of climbing the highest peaks of mountains and seeking inspiration from the Wright Brothers, I wrote my science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075. It is an intense science fiction romance novel, where the two lovers are meant to climb different peaks and embark on totally different journeys, unlike the ones undertaken by humans till date. Because in 2075, the world is dominated by self aware machines, and humans are unable to emote and feel. Now, with this inability to feel an emotion as strong as love, how will the two main characters in this scifi novel, eventually ascend the peak of love, is an interesting journey that you can be a part of via the science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075.

Whether you are someone who likes climbing the mountain peaks, or you are someone who likes staying at the base, this romance science fiction, They loved in 2075, is meant for you and for the lover in you. Because it is written by someone who is just like anyone of you!

Science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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