The beginning

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"How about an ice cream?" Juliet asked me in an annoyed manner. I was well aware of the fact that if i say no to another question, she might explode with anger.

But then again, "No"

"What the fuck is wrong with you Tess? Just what in the world can lift up your mood." Juliet fumed with anger.

"Maybe a handsome guy" I replied laughing just before i saw this guy wearing a black tshirt and a grey pant walking towards me as if the world had just slowed the hell down.

There he was with his friends brighting up my mood like always just by his presence, Josh Anderson the one i fell in love with a month ago. I didnt believe in love at first sight until i experienced it myself.

Juliet always hyped me up whenever she saw me talking to me. I mean talking to him has always been a TASK cause i would get really nervous.

And yes, we werent strangers to each other, we were friends, good ones at that. We became close after we started talking on 23th Dec, 2021. It was his birthday that day and i wished him on instagram. We hit it off (in friendship) the very moment and started talking every day online.

The first time we met was on 17th Dec, 2021 when it was a sports day in college. I was sitting on the stairs with my friends when Josh came to sit next to Fred. They started talking about anime and i desperately wanted to join the conversartion as Josh was a part of it. I did end up giving them anime wallpaper advice.

On 24th January 2022, we were called to college to submit some papers. We saw each other that day and i was too nervous to talk to him. But when the college reopened and we met daily, we started having normal conversations.

I mightve told my friend, Fred about me having a crush on Josh. And yes Josh turns out to be a childhood friend of Josh so he obviously told Josh about it.

A few days ago Fred told me that Josh has a crush on me. But you think i'll believe that? I mean, HIM having a crush on a nerd like ME? NO WAY MISTER.

(Omg lets jump back to today)

Juliet saw me looking at Josh and she of course started teasing me. Having a twin is like having a gun on your head.

Josh smiled at me. AND YES OFCOURSE I FUCKING SMILED BACK AT HIM. How could i not? That beautiful smile of his makes me melt. At times i imagine his mouth on mine--- I did not just say that omg.

We didnt speak but this small little interaction that we had kept my day going.

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