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*Time skip*
*Ryt now jungkookie and taehyungie are waiting infront of the university
gate for their brother both the best friend were talking to each other *
Kookie: (pouts)Taetae please just this last time help me

Tae:(rolls her eyes)No I don't even know why I became your bestfriend in high school this is your every day drama why should I help you to make YOUR project??

*Taehyungie was angry and jungkookie knew it so she used her weapon, she looked down and fake sniffed and wiped her non existing tears*

Tae:(worried)Baby are you crying why is my little one crying huh?

Kookie:(looks up with a pout and doe eyes) Taetae angry ??

Tae:(hugs her)No no bub I am not angry baby plz don't cry

Kookie:(smiles secretly and nods) okie

[Yeah thats how they are Tae pamper kookie alot she is like a baby to her and that's why she can't stay angry at her for more than 1 sec]

*They were busy with each other when their brothers came towards them while talking more like bickering with each other*

TH: You are such a jerk jeon I will kill you

JK: (shruggs)Not my fault she is just too annoying

TH: Yes jerk I know that but she is hot and I would have got her today if you would have been silent

*But they were cut off when---*

Tae: Taehyung let's go already

JK: Oh hi taehyungie (heart eyes)

Tae:(hums) let's go taehyung

Kookie:I am also here brother (rolls her eyes) Hi tiger (shyly)

TH:(nods) Alright let's go

*So as you can see jeons are having huge crush on their sibling's bestfriend but their crush do not give them much importance*

Kookie:(pouts)Byee bear (hugs her) Don't forget what I said okay?

Tae:(shakes her head and peck her head)Okay drama queen

JK:(imitates her sister)Byee tiger don't forget to be depressed

TH:(laughs) okay drama king

Kookie:(pulls aways and furrows)You are making fun of me

JK: What no why would you think that ??

Kookie:(stomps her foot)You wait I will tell this to dad (she ran away)

JK:(eyes widened)Oh my god shit bye guys need to save my ass

*The kim twins just sighed and shake their head*

TH:You do know that jungkook likes you

Tae:He is too obvious

TH: Than why don't you give him a chance he is a nice guy

Tae:(rolls her eyes)Not interest him and I could say the same to you too you also know that jungkookie likes you than---

TH:(scoffs) You know I don't like girls like her I want someone who would make my heart beat fast who can be bold and not sensitive like her--She is just not my type.

*Taehyungie looks at her twin brother for a while but than let the topic go instead of pushing it alot*

(Well that's what they think, destiny have planned something else for them and let's see exactly what)

To be continued.....

I know this chapter is short but I just wanted to give you guys some introduction that is all

Thank you


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