the play

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Tom Hiddleston and Kate Herron (director from Loki) walk inside the gym-hall. the curtains are closed and it's dark. Tom and Kate walk to the rows chairs and sit down behind a married couple with three kids. Kate and Tom sit down and look in silent to the theatre. In the new Loki season they need a girl, who can play Loki's daughter and the goddess of fire and blood, they want her to have fangs and fairy ears

the play starts and a girl walks up. she wears a dark red and black dress with high black boots. she grins to the public and some people are scared by her white fangs. She has a knife in her hand and she walks over to a guy sitting in a corner. She bites his neck and stabs him. than she walks back with blood running down her lips


The spell ends with a girl and a boy standing opposite of each other. The boy wears cop-clothes and the girl's dress is ugly and destroyed. the boy points his pistol to the girl and shoots, right through her forehead, the girl falls on the ground and keeps lying dead while the boy walks away. the curtains fall down and when they raise again, you see all the actors standing and bowing. everyone stands up and claps, so do Tom and Kate.

the actors got called one by one, until only the girl is left. she bows down laughing before leaving the stage. than everyone leaves the gym-hall goes home, except the families of the actors. Tom and Kate follow the family who sat before them backstage.

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