3 days later and it's Christmas Eve
Dadddddddddddddd please just one present/ my dad laughs and looks at my mom she hasn't changed one bit he vada I've already told you no you can wait till l'm the morning/ yeah I can if you want to wake up in freezing cold water in the middle of the ocean/ my mom and dad look at each other and say that we can open one because they don't want a repeat of what happened when I was 14 I wanted to open a present and they wouldn't let me so I said they would wake up without any eyebrows that next day I found out my dad has a big forehead the year after that we taped them to the wall upside down and you may ask how they didn't wake up it's cuz we drugged the hot cocoa and cookies
Yeah prank wars are super common in this family I rarely get pranked because if I do the whole family gets lectured and I get mad last time I got mad at ace I kicked his door down because he wouldn't open it and he slammed it in my face before locking it because he had pranked me by