~Chapter 1~

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The moon was bright over the clearing, lighting up the starbuds and making the dew shine. Shooting Star and Constellation sat quietly around a rocky nest lined with a white hares pelt. Two eggs sat nestled close together, both an eerie silverish purple, stars dotted the shell in a slightly darker shade of purple.
"Do you think they're going to hatch tonight?" Constellation asked in a shrill, high-pitched voice. "Maybe..." Shooting Star replied tilting his head, "the stars are aligned perfectly tonight, so it would be extremely lucky."
      Constellation nodded, her wings shivering slightly in anticipation. "Look!" She said, pointing at one of the eggs. A large crack had splintered down the middle, and was still creaking and splintering apart.
"By Ghidorah's name!" Shooting Star exclaimed, "There hasn't been a Thrice star-born dragonet in over a century!" Constellation's eyes locked on the dragonet slowly pulling the shell apart.
The dragonet gave one final push, and she was free. Her scales were a deep purple, with slightly lighter and metallic underscales. On the underside her wings were a cosmetic pattern, a light blue at the top and fading into black as her wings curved downward, with scattered silver scales like a spray of water, and on the end of her tail was a beautiful flower, closed tightly but threatening to unfurl.
The dragonet sneezed a little, shaking the goop off her wings and burbling cheerfully.
"Hello, little one." Constellation whispered, "What should we call her?" She asked Shooting Star.
Shooting Star's gaze fell to his talons, "Do I really get a say?" He asked, his eyes clouding slightly. "Considering they aren't..." he trailed off, looking out into the trees.
Constellation's gaze softened. " It doesn't matter," she said, tucking her wing over his shoulder, pulling him into a hug. "I'll take your suggestion, it's up to me if we use it or not."
Shooting Star hugged her back. "Thank you Constellation." He said, smiling. He turned to look at the dragonet.
"How about-"
A snap in the trees behind them.
They weren't alone.

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