~Chapter 2~

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*Shooting Star's POV*
Constellation's eyes widened, her tail twitching nervously.
"What was that?" She asked quietly, curling her tail around the dragonet protectively.
"It can't be..." Shooting Star whispered.
'Ghidorah said he would make sure we weren't tracked....' Shooting Star thought, his heart racing.
"Can we move them?" He asked urgently
Constellation shook her head. "If we move her before it blooms she'll die." She said, pointing at the dragonets tail, the flower was only half bloomed.
"And if we move the egg out of the moonlight the egg will crack and fall apart."
    Shooting Star's eyes widened, realizing the severity of the situation.
  "Then what do we do?" He asked grimly.
Constellation opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off.
"Ah, ah, ah~" a voice behind them said.
Constellation hissed, turning around slowly.
     "Micheal." She said, her voice dropping with icicles.
     Micheal was a skinny human, but he was also a very skilled and evil mage. He had chocolate brown hair, with half his hair dyed white. His eyes were blue and his skin was white. He was wearing a black cloak with gold trim on the edges. Micheal also had a beautifully carved staff, it was made of a beautiful mahogany branch, with a purple orb-crystal set on top, with two dragon scales attached to it.
    "Now, now, don't be like that!" He said, a little too cheerfully.
          "I just came to greet the newest Starscale dragonets!" He grinned wickedly.
         "Or newest Starscale dragonet~"
           "It would be just AWFUL if something happened to one of them!"
        He swiftly rolled the unhatched egg toward him, and Constellation leaned forward to grab it.
But she was too slow
Micheal grabbed it first and threw it out of the moonlight, and Constellation quickly wrapped her wings around the other dragonet, a sickening crack followed.
      The egg was completely broken in half, the dragonet inside was clearly dead. 'Oh Ghidorah, please find us before another life is lost.'
       Constellation hissed angrily, opening her wings a little to let moonlight pour over the dragonet.
       Her gaze flickered quickly to the dragonets tail, and her eyes widened.
        "Shooting Star go! It bloomed!" She roared, throwing the dragonet at him, Shooting Star flung his wings out to catch the little dragonet, tumbling three times over before righting himself.
He turned to see Constellation lunging at Micheal, Flames flickering from her mouth.
Micheal rolled his eyes and cast a spell, that missed her by a scale.
"Shooting Star, go!" She cried as she dodged another spell. "Name her your suggestion, and keep her safe!"
Constellation faltered a little, exhausted, and tried to dodge another attack.

But she failed.

"Constellation!" Shooting Star cried, grief tearing his heart in two.
The little dragonet in his wings shivered at the sight of the blood, she scrunched her eyes shut and covered her snout with her tiny claws, probably trying to keep the metallic scent out of her nose.
'Great stars!'
He remembered Constellations words; 'keep her safe!' And growled softly. 'I'll get revenge, don't worry.' He thought.
Shooting Star leapt into the air, fueled by his fury and grief. The little dragonet in his talons wiggled around, he guessed she was nervous about being up so high.
"If.....we......get.......to.......the..stars we'll be safe!" He panted, his wings tiring.

Suddenly, his wing felt like it was on fire.
He hissed in pain and twisted around in the sky.
'Oh no oh no oh no oh no!'
Micheal was on their tails.
And he had shot Shooting Stars wing.
Shooting Star knew he had to act fast, for both his and the dragonets sake.
He twisted into a dive, swooping over Micheal and out the edge of the forest.
And as he did this.
All he could think of was how he had failed.
He'd failed Ghidorah,
And all the future Starscale to come.

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